View Full Version : Getting lots of different symptoms

17-11-05, 08:44
Hi All

I have been getting alot of different symptoms the last few days non-stop, i have been getting alot of chest tightness, not chest pains but chest tightness, my chest is only hurting slightly but my chest tightness is really bugging me, i have been taking my inhalers alot but it doesn't ease this tightness feeling that i keep getting, it feels like someone is pushing down on my chest and is restricting my breathing.

Also i have been feeling very weak/very fatigued, faint, dizzy, light-headedness, tense, feel like my whole body is about to explode.

I had a very bad night last night, i woke up about 8 times and in the end only ended up having around 4 hours sleep.

I have been feeling very rough since the weekend, i have been doing quite abit of exercise the last few days, i have been taking my vitamins as well but nothing is helping me and i wish it would, i hate feeling like this!

19-11-05, 11:27
you didnt say if anything, apart from the exercise had triggered your bad days?

I just want my life back