View Full Version : Feel as though I am about to replapse...

02-12-09, 20:39
Hi everyone,

It has been a very long time since my last post. I am a survivor. I am someone who "beat" my health anxiety. I have been worry and symptom-search free for quite sometime due to medication and in all honestly, my faith in God. I have found such peace in my faith and for quite a while, I have been free of what crippled me for so many years.

Recently, a lot of changes have occurred in my life. I am jobless... My wife and I expecting our first child... My father and grandfather are ill. I am finding myself inching toward a relapse of my fear. I am struggling as I feel all the old symptoms coming back and I am also starting to be curious about symptom searching. I am even questioning that I should look at symptoms because maybe "they have changed" since I have been away...

I know how crazy this sounds... believe me. But I am here today in hopes that others have experienced what I feel. Please, if you have time, share your experiences so that I don't feel as alone as I do right now. I will do my best to stay "in touch" with the board so that I may help others as I hope others help me today...

Thanks for your time and prayers,

02-12-09, 23:49
Hi Adam,

I think that we have to try and remember that, despite our worries, we are still here - alive and well.

Try to keep it all in perspective and I hope you manage to keep away the health anxiety thoughts - good luck and take care

03-12-09, 01:15
hi Adam ,
i know exactly how you feel i too have been on meds that seemed to stop the worry and checking but only for about 3 weeks i now feel the need to check symptoms again and have started the crazy thought processes! I am trying not to and see it as a minor relapse i've stopped for a while so i can again! It is so nice when your head isn't full of what if's and misery,cling onto your faith take deep breaths and resist.Good luck!:flowers: