View Full Version : Full of fear or depression all the time :(

02-12-09, 21:02
Hi folks

Me again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :weep::weep::weep:

Lately I have been either really fearful or depressed ALL the time!! I don't even get away from it anymore in sleep. I have started to have nightmares about dying or something bad, I wake up in a sweat with heart racing and breathless. I don't want to get out of bed because I'm so tired!!

One other thing.................I gave up smoking (I never told anyone here because no one even knew I smoked anyway), but since then have developed acne on my face, chest and back!!! Does anyone know anything about this to do with quitting smoking (ciggies)? I have looked on the web but can't find much about it. I used to have acne, which went away after a long time, but it left a really greasy skin. Now I'm full of acne to top it all off!!!!!!!!! Like all other physical and mental problems aint enuff!!!!!!!!!!!:weep::weep::weep::weep: Doctor will only give me antibiotics, then I will rattle cause I'm taking so many tablets!!!!!!!!!!

Oh sorry for rant...................needing a miracle here!!


03-12-09, 00:53
Sounds like we are both feeling pretty much the same.. I didn't give up smoking and probably wont. I know the anxiety wiill cause me more damage than the smoking.By the way its snowing AGAIN. On a lighter note .. my blood pressure was lower this morning than ever.. So hope that worry tapers out.. Also your suggestion of ordering anyway in your post . I did so last night and found I felt a bit relieved in some weird way .Order whether im going to be here or not.. Now.. If you can just use some of your advice to feel better. I sure hope you will feel better soon. I worry about you .. Michael

03-12-09, 18:45
Hi Michael

Thanks for replying. I'm glad you're looking toward the future anyway, I'm sure I don't know why I can't take my own advice!!!! Why are you worried about me? That's worried me even more!!!!!!


03-12-09, 18:58
Hi Els

Sorry you are feeling low at the moment
I gave up smoking about 5 years ago and had a few really shitty months with things from weight gain ... greasy skin.... cough ... to aches..
But it does go away and you will feell better.
I also had a major health anxiety about my heart to the point of paranoia... i wont bore eveyone on here .... i have recovered now but if you want to know more or just talk please feel free to pm me

Stay strong and never stop looking for your answer xx


03-12-09, 23:28
How long ago did you stop smoking? If you went cold turkey, it can cause pretty nasty withdrawal symptoms, which would certainly explain the way you are feeling now.