View Full Version : been told to up dosage

02-12-09, 21:26
I went to the doctors today and he suggested that i up my dosage of citalopram (take 2 20mg tablets together). I have been on 20mgs for over 5 years now and i am just wondering if this is safe to do.

02-12-09, 21:29
Manx - I think the max dose anyone can take on Citalopram is 60mg a day. If your GP recommends it, then it's worth a go? If not would it perhaps be worth seeking a 2nd opinion, to rest your mind if anything?

02-12-09, 21:36
There is an out of hours doctor that i can call but i feel a bit bad doing that as its only really a question i want to ask. I don't know wether i should take the 2 tonight or just wait until i can speak to someone tomorrow about it.

02-12-09, 21:37
It is safe !im on 35mg was on 40mg ...It would probably be better to take 30mg for a week and see how you feel ,You may get side effects by doubling your dose .This way they wont be as bad .Once you feel ok up it again to 40mg .It does take 4-6 weeks to stabilise ,but you wont feel as bad as when you first started on them ..Dont be afraid , no doubt you need to up ,it will give you the necessary levels to make you feel better ..All the Best Sue :hugs:

02-12-09, 21:49
I just can't take feeling like this anymore, im anxious all day but then at night time i feel ok ish.

02-12-09, 21:51
I have had to go up to 40mg at one poimt/ I did not have much symptoms doing that.

I believe 60mg is the max

02-12-09, 21:56
[SIZE="3"][I was the same Hun ,it got so bad I couldnt have a proper life ..Youneed to take the Drs advice ,up your medication ...it terrified me too ,but I did it 10mg at a time It was the best thing I could have done .I havnt felt so good as I have been the past few months for years .....You will get plenty of support when you need it on here ...No need to suffer any more ...Hugs Sue xx/SIZE]