View Full Version : there is hope - honestly!!

02-12-09, 22:13
I wanted to post something on here which may help some people.

Basically, a year ago i was on here all the time, i have HA and couldnt cope with it. Of course at the time I couldnt accept that it was just anxiety and was convinced that i was seriously ill. I was at the docs all the time and constantly sought reassurance from everyone! I had every physical symptom there was.

Anyway, a year down the line and I cant believe how much I suffered, it feels like an eternity ago. I am so much better now, dont get me wrong I still have my moments but they are not as bad as they were.

My success? Well lots of things. I wouldnt accept I was depressed but looking back I was and it was the HA that did it.

I started CBT which was no good for a start but they reffered me to a more intansive CBT which really pulled apart everything which has been great, BUT I have to say I went on anti-depressants after a year of trying to fight it myself and they have been my breakthrough. They just gave me the small boost I needed to stop so intensively panicking to that I could think things through more clearly. When I look back to last year I was like a zombie. People spoke to me but I didnt really listen as I was constantly self diagnosing.

My advice,
dont put yourself under pressure to get better,
ask for advice and take any help you can - everything is worth a try,
anti-depressants arent the answer but they have certainly got my life back to me enjoying again (I never wanted to go anywhere alone)

Hope this helps someone.
This website is amazing and it was my source of comfort for a long time, so well done to all involved in it.

Choco xx

02-12-09, 22:19
Hi Choco

Thats a wonderful story and im sure will inspire many

So happy for you

Mand x