View Full Version : Constant chronic anxiety....can't take much more

02-12-09, 23:20
I don't post that often (although I can be found in the chat room on and off) here because I hate the thought that i might be "moaning" or "complaining". Damn stupid I know considering this forum is for people who are genuinely suffering.

Anyway, I'm going to break a habit of a lifetime and moan because I can't take much more of my current condition. I have constant, chronic anxiety for months now. Chest pains, throat feels tight all the time and my head feels like it has a large metal band squeezing it all around. I recently have also developed ringing in my ears.

My doctor has had me on paroxetine (no good) and citalopram (no good) and now I'm wondering what else I can try. I hate taking meds and only tried these out of complete desperation and a journey into depression (from my constant anxiety, many will be familiar with this).

I've always been a chronic worrier (always had a lot to genuinely worry about) but this year, because of things that have happened, has sent my anxiety through the roof. I even had to quit my job because I could no longer function (long term sickness would have killed my reputation in the small industry I work in so I've just walked away).

I'm a very strong, resillient person but I just about give up now. I don't want to wake up some days.

Can anyone give any advice on meds I could take. Do beta-blockers work ?? Anyone else have "constant" anxiety i.e. no let-up and only gets worse at night when you want to sleep? (vicious downward circle)

02-12-09, 23:24
I would go down the CBT route rather than Meds and also reading self-help books.

02-12-09, 23:31
Hi Nicola,
thanks for the reply. I've read quite a few books (including Claire Weekes) but to no avail. I've been in counselling for a few weeks but it's not CBT, I'm going to give that a try.

I just need something to break the cycle, something to give me a break, even for just one day. I'm even considering trying to get some MDMA as I took that once years ago and I never, ever felt like I did that day i.e. completely free of anxiety and worry.

Anyway, thanks again for replying.


02-12-09, 23:44
Hi Luke.
I find that Diazepam helps in the short term and will take the occassional 5mg when I have a really servere attack. I can take up to 3 a day but usually find that one is enough to calm me.
I have also recently started to take 5 htp. I was on 150mg a day but have upped to 100mg 3 x's daily and have noticed a difference. I am a lot calmer and my mood has definitely lifted after only three or four days on this dose. I am not saying I am 'better' but certainly feel a little more confident. It is still very early days though and I have read that the full benefits of 5 htp may not be felt for a number of weeks.
5 htp cannot be taken with other AD's.
There is a whole load of information on the net about this.
If you do research this on line you will find that the recommended dose varies greatly. Some sites suggest 100mg max a day and others anywhere between 50mg and 400mg daily. It really is up to each individual to find which dose suits them.

This is one site I found very helpful http://www.5htp.com/

03-12-09, 09:14
Hi erin!
that's great information, I'll try them out !

thank you!

03-12-09, 09:29
Hi Luke!
I also suffer constant anxiety so I know how you feel. It's awful isn't it?
Let us know how you get on with 5HTP as it is always good to hear if the things people suggest work.

03-12-09, 10:13
Hi Luke I am currently going through CBT at the moment and I so far have had three sessions and i am feeling the benefit of it. In fact I am actually looking forward to my next session because i have been writing a few things down about my week. Yesterday i had a really bad day, sleepless night, feeling anxious and having chronic chest pain. But for the first time i accepted that this was anxiety and i was not having so many visions of ending up in the back of an ambluance. I was focusing on this being a bad day i would feel better tomorrow and you know what, i do feel better today. I feel somewhat tired because i have not been sleeping properly but i am not so worked up, and i do know that i am going to have more bad days but they will pass and get less and less thorugh time.

03-12-09, 10:13
Can I just add Luke that I do find I have trouble sleeping even though it is recommended for insomnia. This I think is because for insomnia you are advised to take quite a large dose just before bed time but I take my 5 htp in 3 doses throughout the day. I find if I don't the effects start to wear off. You will find everything you need to know about this on the net.
Also I buy mine from Holland and Barrett but you may find it cheaper elsewhere.
Good luck!

03-12-09, 10:27
I have chronic anxiety too right now, it seems impossible to get it disapear.
I get some relief at times but it comes back and strikes me very hard.