View Full Version : My Arm Hurts

02-12-09, 23:32

My left arm hurts had it for a while now i have this left side pain had that for months dont know if it is related the top of my arm feels cold but it hurts like aches not sharp pain or anything it always seems worse when i have showered and used my arm to wash myself and my hair etc

It scares me my HA is related to my heart please anyone?

03-12-09, 00:07
It sounds to me like it's muscle-related because you say it tends to be worse when you've used your arm but you could always get it checked out if it continues to bother/worry you. I'm not a doctor but angina tends to come on very suddenly and is generally sharper and more intense than an ache but as I said, you should get it checked out. You can always call NHS Direct to put your mind at rest.

03-12-09, 13:15

Thanks so much for the reply

Well it is still aching today and because i am so stressed about this my ibs is bad i am not happy in alot of discomfort i think i may force myself to go docs this afternoon

I am scared they are all getting sick of me :weep:

03-12-09, 14:21

Have to go docs at 3.10pm............sigh.............

03-12-09, 14:51
Hope it goes ok...sorry I can't be of any more use. Good luck :yesyes: It'll turn out ok x

Cell block H fan
03-12-09, 16:12
Let us know how you get on.
Ive been getting pains in my arms the last couple of weeks. But mine is more jabbing pains one minute then an aching the next. But comes & goes. Mines mostly the elbow upwards, so I assume its muscular x

03-12-09, 21:58
Hi Guys

Thanks so much for your kind words

I went docs told him i thought i had a anurysem(sp) or my heart was in trouble he examined me listened to my chest and reassured me i was ok i still have pain he told me to tell myself i was fine over and over when the thoughts creep in he also said this is why my ibs tabs are not working as well because i am stressing so i am going to try my hardest to calm down way easier said than done

Thanks again i,ll no doubt be back soon
