View Full Version : Can anyone relate to this?

03-12-09, 01:43
Just lately i've been having huge sleep problems. For the past 2 weeks I've been having 2-5 hours of sleep a night. When I close my eyes I go into a wierd vivid state where I'll hear chatter/mumble jumble and sometimes I'll be affraid that I'll take it as reality. Same with dreams I'm affraid that i'll wake up and think the dream I had was reality, that i couldn't tell the difference. It's really messed up. I've been having alot of fear-thought based anxiety lately.

One of the worst side effects is the perception of time. In the day it goes so fast on a night it is incredibly slow. When I go to sleep it feels like i've gone for 4 hours but I wake up and it's only been 30 mins- 1 hour

Can anyone relate to this? Am I going insane?

03-12-09, 02:12
I can relate to the sleep thing. I wake up 4 to 5 times a night and its only been a few minutes between. Really annoying because I can't sleep well, and I am tired half the day.

04-12-09, 01:42
i know exactly how u feel. when im away from my fiance (like now) i dont have her to calm me down at night so im awake until 4 or 5 every night and wake up at about 8. this makes me very tired and my body tense. which gives me even more pain and causes even worse panic attacks (its a horrible cycle)

as for the hearin stuff etc. i have a fear that one day im goin to go insane randomly. or one day forgettin who i am etc. i find the best thing to do to get me to sleep is to watch something very familiar (i am a huge fan of cartoons etc) i find finding nemo a really good film to calm down my panic attacks with, or anything on cartoon network. also it takes me about 6 attempts to get to sleep each night as every time im almost asleep i feel like i am falling.

i havnt really been much help. i just wanted to say that i know how u feel :)

04-12-09, 02:15
Whatever you have im pretty sure I have.. But then again I think mine is mostly anxiety ..if yours doesn't clear up maybe see your doc and have it checked out for your peace of mind.. Michael