View Full Version : So so worried - Neuro

03-12-09, 08:00
Hi, I have postedo on here before, but mostly been hiding in the wings and reading others threads!

My goes as follows. In July of this year I had a massive scare with my heart whilst playing sport, I am a keen sportsman so it scared me alot that my heart might be broken! I have had this problem which comes and goes since I was 16. My GP told me it was nothing this time around in July but this time I did not believe him ( I think because this time I was having palpitations while resting which I had'nt had before.) Anyway I got reffered to the cardiologists at Papworth Hospital (which is one of the best, they say!) and they said I was all fit and healthy.

But during the period between referral and going to see the cardiologists, which took a long time 6 weeks or so, I started getting pains in my legas and arms. For an unbenknown reason I immediatley thought I had MS. I dont know why my mind ran to MS, Maybe because I know someone with MS, and it has always been one of my biggest fears.

In August I started noticing I was having twitches all over, so ran to what you guys call 'Dr Google', and guess what. Yeah the usual that happens to alot of ppl with HA it seems and that sent me over a cliff. So for the last 4 months or so I have been petrified tht I have it, I have had a range of symptoms, stuff going on with my eyes, which I have had checked twice in the last 2 months, both times saying they are completely healthy.Aches pains, feeling on edge, sleep issues, thinking my speech is going wierd, feeling clumsy, dizziness, crying ALL THE TIME, jolting, grinding my teeth, drumming in my ears and the list goes on.

I can now look back over the last 4 months and see it was all anxiety related, I really can see that. I guess it is what you might call 'classic?'

However, 4-5 weeks ago I started getting this wierd feeling in my right calf muscle, it is tender to touch and feels like its stiff, like after a workout at the gym. I feel it when I'm walking and I feel it is making me walk strangely though others don't agree! It also seems weaker to me all the time, and tires quicker than the other. I have also had tingling and pins and needles feelings though these do seem to come and go, BUT my leg down there feels 'off' all the time it seems. So basically I am now worried that all the worry over the last few months has given me what I fear most. MS. I went to see my GP again yesterday, the fourth time I have been over this leg thing and he said he was going to refer me to the Neurologist. He and 2 other GP's don't think it is MS but as he said I lose nothing by going to see the Neurologist. I guess I'm now really scared what they will find.

I am so tired of all the worry, I have been to my GP's so many times over the last few months and it really is ruining my life. I am currently having counselling, My GP has reffered me tohave CBT but that will take months apparently, he has given me Propranolol but I dont want to take drugs if this is all in my head. I'm just at my wits end and can't do anyhting but worry and stress about it. Any advice would be so helpful, and I'm really sorry for the long drawn out post. Thank you.


03-12-09, 08:06
it look like you have muscle strain in your leg ,the tingling and other symptoms sound like anxiety

agent orange
03-12-09, 09:05
The doctor is probably only sending you because of your anxiety.