View Full Version : Lonely :(

03-12-09, 09:37
I'm so sick of feeling lonely. I'm lonely all the time. I'm lonely when I'm around family, around the few friends that I do have.

I hate being alone!! :(

:bighug1: Hugs and kisses to all the other lonely people out there....

03-12-09, 09:45
I think sometimes we feel lonely when we feel our family and friends don't really know the 'real' us. It's a very lonely feeling to be alone with your own thoughts and feelings where nobody else really understands.

I hope chatting to people on here helps Rachel.

Take care
Mand x

03-12-09, 10:02
big hug you will never feel lonley on this site :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bigh ug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:: bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighu g1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

03-12-09, 10:20
Thanks Mandy And Gypsy.

Talking on this site does make me feel better... I just wish I had someone to come home to and cuddle!!!! Good thing for teddy bears I suppose....

03-12-09, 15:20
Me too! Couldn't agree more!:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

03-12-09, 16:40
Me too! Couldn't agree more!:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

Please allow me to second that!! Agree wholeheartedly!! :hugs::hugs::bighug1:

03-12-09, 16:49

I can be at my lonliest when im surrounded by people
Hugs from people that really care are hard to find
If you get one hang on to it

Marc XX

03-12-09, 17:03
Hugs from people that really care are hard to find
If you get one hang on to it..............................................

...................................and Never let them go by Always showing how much they mean to you because people such are those are Very Special......and quite a few.... I know are Here!:bighug1:

One shining pearl

Where would we be without love?
This small piece of comfort brought on the wings of a dove,
Would there be any meaning to life?
All that would be left, just stress and strife,
A lonely existence too much to bear,
Tomorrow the same as the next with no one to share,

Walking in a crowd of noisy silence,
Each persons thoughts thousands to the second,
All afraid to speak, hidden in pretence,
Not knowing who is foe and who is friend,
Looking over their shoulders in a life of distrust,
Each person tarnished with the same suspicious brush,

To love; the most precious jewel on earth,
An invaluable treasure of immeasurable worth,
So rare a commodity, so hard to find,
Every day lived with your nose to the grind,

A fleeting look, a sudden gaze,
A beauty to behold of wondrous praise,
To find love in this world of so many yet so few,
One shining pearl amid the morning droplets of dew,
It should be collected and treasured above all cost,
Before time freezes it into ice and frost,
For once found, it should never be lost!:hugs:

03-12-09, 17:06
I feel exactly the same. I feel that because no-one really knows the 'real' me, then they can't care about me. Its an awfully lonely place to be...But I have found that this site is a real help, as people are often going through similar things, and no-one has to pretend to be anything other than themselves. Its truly a life saver. PM me anytime xx

03-12-09, 17:57
i too feel very lonely, huge hugs to u and i totally agree, u will never b alone here on nmp xxx

03-12-09, 23:34
Aww thanks everyone... Im SOO glad I found this site.... Everyone is so caring and understanding... We're all in the same boat and can support each other...
