View Full Version : mind my own but body not

03-12-09, 10:22
Hi, 2nd day on here and just wanted to ask for more info, I read on threads about depersonalization,,,doe anyone know more about it and why we do it.

Some days i feel as i am in control of my mind but not my body, it goes numb with little or no feeling.

A little like driving a car from the back seat!!!!

Any info would be great

09-12-09, 23:23
I used to get this feeling all the time when my anxiety was high. I still get it once in a while when I am really anxious. It is just your minds way of taking a break. I read the two books by Claire Weeks and found it helped me understand these feelings better.

11-12-09, 22:29
This is a symptom I've experienced fairly often recently. Particular when I'm involved in a meeting that I'm not taking an active part in. Tends to allow my mind to wander.

12-12-09, 23:27
i find this really scary and fight my way out of it its just another way of our minds coping with anxiety but i fight it as it starts my panic attacks the only advice i have recieved is to let it take its course but i find it really hard sorry i cant be of help but it is common . x