View Full Version : Diarreha after binge drinking or...

03-12-09, 10:45
Evening people,

First some history. I have had trouble with my stomach since I was around 22 (now 34) I suffer from bloating and a lot of wind. I was told once I have a lot of yeast. For the past year I have drank beer a lot, not really in excess but pretty much everyday a can or two. Other times I drink wine a bottle to myself etc. I eat quite well I think, I live in Japan so a lot of vegtables and fruit but I do eat from a fast food chain sometimes.

So on Monday I had a very silly evening of excessive drinking, (beer only.) And the next day I felt so bad it was terrible! Now it is two half days and I still have diarreha. I'm not sure if it's because my stomach has had enough or because I have stopped drinking or because I'm only eating a little and drinking lots of water etc. Am I detoxing? I'm obviously worrying about this and we all know worrying causes diarreha so I'm in a vicious circle!

Oh, I am hungry and I have no pain

Anyone else had this? Anyone offer any advice?

Thank you

03-12-09, 11:38
i dont know if this helps but my dad is a achoicic and he gets alot of diarreha and the doc says its his body cleaning the crap out i think its the same in ur case it wont do u know harm just eat normall and drink pleanty of water it will flush it out.

take care

03-12-09, 12:11
Thank you for your reply mumof31978. I appreciate it. I was thinking it was my body getting rid of the badness, just wasn't sure how long it took. Just finished eating chicken with lettice and tomato and a small bowl of white rice. See what happens tomorrow! No more alcohol for a few months and I just bought three bottles of sake! Well they will wait.

Thanks again.

Cell block H fan
03-12-09, 14:08
I used to get this the day after drinking, & I hardly drank back then. I drink more these days & if anything I have the opposite problem! But i'm not surprised because alcohol is dehydrating isn't it.
I think health professionals recommend leaving it about 2 or 3 days between drinking, to let the liver recover? I only drink about 2 days a week, & thats usually about 15 units in all. But I drink vodka & caffiene free coke, I dont like beers or wines.
I reckon it probably depends what you drink, on how it affects you. I mean, I love Wkd blue's, but it turns your poo green! Bit scary the first time it happens, until someone else mentions it & you go 'oh yeh!' LOL x