View Full Version : Coming off citalopram.

03-12-09, 12:34
Ive been on citalopram for 11weeks now and am in mixed minds about how well they have worked for me. I went back to see my doctor yesterday and i just asked for a repeat prescription, i then went on to tell him about my shakey hands and feeling tired all the time.

He said that he doesnt think cit's the one for me and because ive never had any suicidal tendancies hes put me on dosulepin, he said that he doesnt feel that i have much risk of withdrawl effects as im only on 20mg's but i have really really severe side effects when i started so am kind of worried about them.

I have 150mg's of cit left and am going to try to wean myself off of them and then stop all together and see how i am with no anti depressants and then play it by ear as to whether or not to go on the dosulepin. Any one got ne ideas about the best way for me to wean myself off, with only 150mgs ???? Got a few diazepam left aswell for if it gets really bad but id rather not use them.

Thinking i might keep updating this post with how the withdrawl effects are in the hope it might help some people and also just as an outlet for how im feeling ...Tommorows the big day then i guess :)


03-12-09, 12:57
Hi Pete,

I don't have any experience of citalopram but recently came off a tricyclic.

You may well be one of the lucky ones and have no probs, but if you do, don't be afraid to ask your doc for more cit if you need to take it slowly.

I'd give it a week on 10mg before trying to stop.

Good luck!

08-12-09, 11:54
Right well, its my 4th day on 15mg's and things are going a lot better than i had hoped for, still feel a bit tense and down but nowhere near as bad as when i went onto cit.

If anything i feel better now than when i was on the cit, feels like my heads not racing as much and intrusive thought are less pronounced, on the other hand tho, i am extremely spaced out, finidng it hard to focus on anything, which really isnt good as im going into an exam in 11minuites lol.

Is it fairly normal to feel this spaced out when coming off cit???

09-12-09, 21:22
Probably, but it's possible heightened alertness plays a part as you expect withdrawal effects and constantly monitor yourself for them. If you notice a definite increase in your symptoms you should come off them more slowly, perhaps asking your doctor to prescribe another month's supply. You aren't supposed to reduce your dose by more than 5mg in a 2 week period if you want to avoid withdrawal effects.