View Full Version : Freaking Out and Need to See My Doctor!

03-12-09, 13:44
I posted yesterday because I was so worked up. Today I'm no better. I needed to come here and unload my worries before I go insane. I have no one else I can talk to. I know I've given this before but here's a little history...

I was a heavy smoker for years

* Last Winter I was having discomfort in my right lung so my doctor ordered a chest x-ray. This came out fine but the discomfort wouldn't leave so she ordered a CT scan. This came out fine too.

* In June I started not feeling well. I was getting very tired and had days when I felt nauseated, dizzy, and had aches and pains in my muscles and joints. This would come and go. I'd have a week of good days then a day of really not feeling well. At the same time my right arm started bothering me. I'd have excruciating pain when I moved it in certain ways but it didn't bother me doing regular daily activities.

* In July I began to see a physiotherapist who said she thought nerve problems were going on with my arm. We did therapy for awhile but it wasn't doing any good so she suggested to my doctor that I be sent to an Orthopedist. Meanwhile my arm was getting worse and I was having more nerve related symptoms. Also my lung started acting up again but in a different spot. I developed a wheeze that wouldn't go away even when using inhalers. The discomfort was also always there.

* I went back to the doctor's and had a chest x-ray and mammogram done, plus complete blood work. Everything was fine. I then had a second set of blood work done and this was fine also. The only thing out of line in my blood work was my sugar levels, I'm diabetic.

* In October I got in to see the Orthopedist and after a 5 minute exam he said that I had inflamed rotator cuff tendons. He said to do stretching exercises and also take anti-inflammatories. He said he'd see me in 3 months and if things were no better he'd order an MRI. I've been doing this but the pain is getting worse and I'm having weakness and pain along my forearm, wrist, and hand. This indicates nerve problems. I'm getting pins and needles in the area of my chest where I have the discomfort and also down my arm. The muscles are losing mass. My breathing is also getting worse.

* I began to really not feel well on most days. Tired, dizzy, weak, foggy headed, and diarrhea that wouldn't stop. I'd even be woken up from sleep with this. I went to my family doctor and she ordered more blood work and stool specimens to be tested. I don't have the results of those yet. She thinks my arm problems are related to my neck but she didn't do any tests to prove this and I don't have any neck pain.

* Since this time I've been googling and all my symptoms indicate that I have lung cancer which has spread to the nerves that control my arm. The arm problems are on the same side as my lung problems.

Today I did more googling and now I have myself to the point of tears. I'm sure that I'm dying. I decided to call my doctor's office and make an appointment to see her again today. I plan on asking for a CT scan of my chest because I'm positive I have a Pancoast Tumor in my lung that isn't seen on a regular chest x-ray. I feel like I'm about to lose my mind. I'm so upset.

Thanks for letting me vent.

03-12-09, 15:06
I posted yesterday because I was so worked up. Today I'm no better. I needed to come here and unload my worries before I go insane. I have no one else I can talk to. I know I've given this before but here's a little history...

I was a heavy smoker for years

* Last Winter I was having discomfort in my right lung so my doctor ordered a chest x-ray. This came out fine but the discomfort wouldn't leave so she ordered a CT scan. This came out fine too.

* In June I started not feeling well. I was getting very tired and had days when I felt nauseated, dizzy, and had aches and pains in my muscles and joints. This would come and go. I'd have a week of good days then a day of really not feeling well. At the same time my right arm started bothering me. I'd have excruciating pain when I moved it in certain ways but it didn't bother me doing regular daily activities.

* In July I began to see a physiotherapist who said she thought nerve problems were going on with my arm. We did therapy for awhile but it wasn't doing any good so she suggested to my doctor that I be sent to an Orthopedist. Meanwhile my arm was getting worse and I was having more nerve related symptoms. Also my lung started acting up again but in a different spot. I developed a wheeze that wouldn't go away even when using inhalers. The discomfort was also always there.

* I went back to the doctor's and had a chest x-ray and mammogram done, plus complete blood work. Everything was fine. I then had a second set of blood work done and this was fine also. The only thing out of line in my blood work was my sugar levels, I'm diabetic.

* In October I got in to see the Orthopedist and after a 5 minute exam he said that I had inflamed rotator cuff tendons. He said to do stretching exercises and also take anti-inflammatories. He said he'd see me in 3 months and if things were no better he'd order an MRI. I've been doing this but the pain is getting worse and I'm having weakness and pain along my forearm, wrist, and hand. This indicates nerve problems. I'm getting pins and needles in the area of my chest where I have the discomfort and also down my arm. The muscles are losing mass. My breathing is also getting worse.

* I began to really not feel well on most days. Tired, dizzy, weak, foggy headed, and diarrhea that wouldn't stop. I'd even be woken up from sleep with this. I went to my family doctor and she ordered more blood work and stool specimens to be tested. I don't have the results of those yet. She thinks my arm problems are related to my neck but she didn't do any tests to prove this and I don't have any neck pain.

* Since this time I've been googling and all my symptoms indicate that I have lung cancer which has spread to the nerves that control my arm. The arm problems are on the same side as my lung problems.

Today I did more googling and now I have myself to the point of tears. I'm sure that I'm dying. I decided to call my doctor's office and make an appointment to see her again today. I plan on asking for a CT scan of my chest because I'm positive I have a Pancoast Tumor in my lung that isn't seen on a regular chest x-ray. I feel like I'm about to lose my mind. I'm so upset.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Ok, please calm down. You are not a doctor (I presume); it is not your job to diagnose whether you have cancer or not. You are not qualified to diagnose yourself with cancer. I appreciate that you are very distressed and I wish I could take that fear away. I know it must be very scary. Trust that even if the very worst happens (which I am almost certain it won't), you will cope with it then. Not now. Try not to create problems for yourself without evidence that they actually exist. I really need to take some of my own advice on this one...my heart goes out to you. Be strong. You'll get through.

By the way, how was work yesterday? I know you were dreading going, I hope you managed it or have peace about it if you decided to give it a miss.

Much love.

03-12-09, 15:16
I went to work yesterday and managed to get through it. Some of my symptoms were cropping up while I was there but I tried to keep calm. I'm hoping I'll feel better after my doctor's appointment this afternoon. I wasn't supposed to see her until just before Christmas but I just can't wait any longer. Last night I had a horrible sleep, was woken up shortly after I went to bed with bad diarrhea and then was awake every hour thereafter. I finally got up at 4:30 am and have been up ever since. I feel exhausted. You're right, I need to stop diagnosing myself.