View Full Version : Extreme sweating in sleep..

03-12-09, 15:01
Ok so I've started my CBT sessions..

Since then I've had 3 consecutive bursts of anxiety... Not full on attacks though... Symptoms varied and I've been quite calm about it..

After each one I've felt extremely tired. Not how I would usually feel but I'm thinking that's because I've finally accepted it as anxiety and not a health issue.

I've had this before but not for a long time..

I woke up in the early hours this morning panicking like hell and drenched in sweat.. Literally soaked.. I went back to sleep and woke some time later. I had slept for almost 12 hours!

I had a bath to try and refresh myself but after getting a drink etc i suddenly lost all balance and fell into my girlfriends lap (I was sitting down already at the time)... I felt so weak and immediately asked for an ambulance. She said (and rightfully so) that I didn't need one because there was nothing wrong with me. She understands that I have PA's due to health concerns.

I've felt like vomiting a couple of times but haven't so far.

We were supposed to go xmas shopping today but I opted to stay at home because I literally couldnt/cant stand. So she's gone to town and I'm lying here feeling like shit.

Thing is none of the way I'm feeling today doesn't feel like panic but at the same time I don't feel like I've got a cold/flu virus though I have felt like I've been getting a cold the mornings lately, but only in the mornings.....?

Just feeling rather confused :unsure:

Any help out there?


03-12-09, 15:22
I remember years ago I was getting blood taken by a lab technician and he made some offhand remark about my blood being very thin. I immediately thought I had leukemia and suddenly became so weak that I could no longer stand and he had to put me on a stretcher. After a little while he had to accompany me to my car because I felt so weak and could barely walk. I found out later it was an anti-inflammatory I was taking that had thinned out my blood so much. Anxiety can do strange things to you.

03-12-09, 15:32
Are you taking any anxiety/depression medication? Some can cause night sweats...I know Sertraline does as it's listed in the side effects leaflet. Also, do you have a fever? High fevers can make you feel very weak and unsteady. Are you taking any other medication which could have this effect?

03-12-09, 15:33
Yea I guess.. It's funny, as I'm getting over anxiety I'm suddenly having a massive increase in attacks but they're nowhere near as severe.. Maybe my bodies had enough and trying to kick it out :D

I'm dreaming very vividly too... I can recall at least 2 dreams a night for the past week.. Maybe I had a nightmare last night and triggered an attack in my sleep. I know my body jumps up and down in temperature when I sleep.


03-12-09, 15:47
Are you taking any anxiety/depression medication? Some can cause night sweats...I know Sertraline does as it's listed in the side effects leaflet. Also, do you have a fever? High fevers can make you feel very weak and unsteady. Are you taking any other medication which could have this effect?

Nope nothing - I really dont want to put anything into my body if i can help it.

No not massively hot... I do get hot,weak and sick sometimes outside of panic attacks but I put that down to anxiety.

Obviously when I woke in the night I must have been reaching boiling point.

03-12-09, 19:58
ok so... 8 hours later..

I'm thinking maybe i've just got a 24 hour bug... nothing sinister has happened and I've had no anxiety... quite the opposite I cant think clearly..

I've only left my room to go the toilet but i wouldn't say that there's any social anxiety just i feel messed up..

No heart palpitations, hot flushes, breathing trouble etc so no obvious signs of anxiety.

Sweaty finger tips but thats pretty normal for me stressed.. Not sure where this has come from.. I haven't eaten anything dodgy I had fairly bad anxiety yesterday but not enough for a panic hangover..

Heard a few people have had a 24 hour fatigue type bug..... god knows nothing serious wrong with me just tired and confused i think..