View Full Version : Propranolol

03-12-09, 15:02
Just been put on propranolol for anxiety. took it about a 2 hours ago, i feel drowsy which is normal apparently but i also feel like my hearts trying to have a palpitation but cant and feel breathless when standing up and need to sit down, which is how i feel alot anyway due to the anxiety.

Can anyone relate to this?

03-12-09, 16:23
I dont take this myself Im on Lexapro but I did notice for the first few weeks I could sense a panic attack coming on but but my heart wouldnt start pounding even though I had some other symptoms which I was told was the medication stopping my brain releasing the chemicals into my body that makes your chest go thight and heart beat like mad.

After a couple of weeks when my body realised it pretty much couldnt have a panic attack cause of the medication the twinges and pains that would set me off before didnt stop but my brain just accepted them and all my pacic symptoms stopped.

I could be lucky though but my medication works a treat but it does take a few weeks to build it up in your system and for the first few days you may actually feel worse than before you were put on them but bear with it.

03-12-09, 17:07
propranolol is very good but i you don't feel right maybe you should tell Doctor ,but sure it only anxiety

03-12-09, 17:48
thanks for this guys. I am withdrawing from Seroxat which has created a massive surge of anxiety which has been going on for 8wks now. I have always suffered from health anxiety but never to this extent. Im having chest pains daily which i obsess and panic over so now im trying this propranolol and hoping it will work. Was scared initially cos anything which interfers with your heart frightens me but equally couldnt go on like i was.