View Full Version : Vitamins? can they increase anxiety?

03-12-09, 17:36

I am having trouble with an increase of anxiety within the last week, and I have just started taking:

Omega 3
Cod liver oil
Muilti Vitamins

Now I have been taking these to help with my exercising etc lol, but I know that once in the past I took these and stopped when I thought they were increasing my anxiety

Please some one help?

03-12-09, 17:50
Ive been taking a multi vit and omega 3 caps for months and they havent increased my anxiety levels.

03-12-09, 17:51
if anything i find taking multivitamins and minerals good for anxiety, i really dont think they would be the cause of an increased state of anxiety though.


03-12-09, 17:54
Some of the B Vitamins can be stimulating, so you should take in the morning with food, but none of what you take has caused anxiety for me - in fact I've had the opposite effect. Keep with the exercise, that will help more than anything. I don't take extra omega 3 because cod liver oil provides it.

03-12-09, 18:14

Thanks all, it must be something else then lol But again thank you all for the replies