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View Full Version : went to the docs today abt heart

03-12-09, 18:48
he put it down to anxiety. He listened to my heart, said he heard "nothing sinister"..then he asked if id miond a second opinion..to which i said no...He called the other doctor in, she also said it sounded "perfect" and when I said it seems to be beating harder than usual, she said "well, its difficult, once you become aware of something, to shake that awareness off"....I am booked in to have an ECG on the 15th...Although I may go to A & E before that, if it stays as it is. My doctor mentioned somatization and said that although, to me, the symptoms seem very real...There is nothing seriously wrong with me. I feel awful. he basically said, YOU'RE INSANE. He was very dismissive and patronising.

03-12-09, 18:52
my main worry was tht it was a prolapsed valve...both doctors assured me tht if it was they'd hear a murmur...which they didn't.

03-12-09, 19:04

I have had paranoia about my heart too
the would hear a murmur and an ECG is painless and well worth having to put your mind at rest

As they say once you focus on any one thing it sometimes becomes all consuming and takes a while to shake off


03-12-09, 19:07
You must trust your doctors here, difficult as it is when you're so worried about a certain condition. I'm sure they don't think you're "insane" - it's just difficult for them to accept that their judgment is being questioned. And yes sometimes they can be wrong, but they have a big responsibility to the patient and wouldn't overlook signs and symptoms that they believe might be indicative of a serious condition.

Awareness of your heart beating or palpitations can be related to so many conditions and I think that anxiety is probably at the top of the list. But hopefully the ECG will be able to put your mind at rest and it's nothing serious.

03-12-09, 19:12
funny how "relaxing" seems to take my mind off it..then as soon as i try to sleep..THUMP, THUMP, THUMP...I admit that I have been obsessing over my pulse rate, chest sensations etc..But that doesn't mean tht what I feel isn't 100% frightning to me...Anyway..Im slightly reassured by them listening to and hearing nothing abnormal...My ecg is on the 15th..dunno if I can hang on until then...

03-12-09, 19:22
Hey i know its 100% frightning i have been there too
its a horrible feeling

try and hang in there

best wishes

03-12-09, 19:41
You would seriously goto A & E just to put your mind at rest even after two doctors have listened to your heart and said it's nothing? The ECG is obviously there just for your piece of mind, otherwise it would have been done a hell of a lot quicker, so try and take heart to the fact that two qualified GP's have said it's nothing, and hold on to the appointment.

Most of us on here have had heart worries with anxiety at some point, and i'm sure most of us have been in the position of wondering if the doctors got it wrong, it's one of those things sadly.

You have said you don't feel it when your relaxed, so with that in mind, you can pretty much put it down to anxiety straight away. However if you feel you can't wait till the date they've given you, just phone them up and ask them if they have a free slot to do it sooner as your anxious about it :)

03-12-09, 20:37
Dude, I suffer from awareness of the heart beat & docs can tell if you have a faulty valve when they listen to your chest.

Also, if you did have a valve problem you'd KNOW ABOUT IT!

It is horrible, but trust in the docs....relax.