View Full Version : muscle twitches

03-12-09, 23:42
I had surgery 8 weeks ago. It was an abdominal surgery. It caused a huge increase in my anxiety as I was terrified of complications and blood clots. Things got better and my anxiety is better under control but not perfect.
Anyway about 4 weeks ago I started having twitches in my legs. That started me thinking badly about blood clots but the twitches were all over and in both legs, also had muscle cramps. The twitches started in my arms, eyelids and recently even my abdomen. I did alittle googling and it seems anxiety can be a cause. But the thing I dont understand is that my anxiety has been much much worse than how it is now and I didnt have these twitches. They keep me up at night and sometimes can be painful but are mostly extremely annoying and starting to drive me mad.
My doctor is less than helpful for everything so I thought I would check on here and see if anyone has anything similar. I have had a CT scan recently, and also seen a neurologist 2 years ago because I have insanely brisk reflexes.
Soo I am starting to stress out about these as they are really starting to become a huge nuisance.

04-12-09, 02:23
Alison, I can tell you this is a common and uncomfortable symptom both my wife and I share from time to time with rashes of twitches ..all over.. My wife once had one for about three years on her eye.. I have had them lasting up to three weeks..We have both had major test done and found nothing.Im pretty sure they are temporary ..and wouldn't worry.. Michael

04-12-09, 03:36
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. They are sooo annoying. I can stop them by getting up and walking around but the second I sit they start right back up again. Its reassuring that others have experienced it and it was nothing serious. Thanks again!

04-12-09, 03:44
The fact that they go when you walk and move around is a good sign, these are what mine are like too and i've had them for nearly 3 months now and so far so good yet if you saw my recent thread i'm still struggling with them too and that is why i'm going to a neuro in 2 weeks but my doctor isn't worried.

04-12-09, 04:30
Thank you for responding. Keep me updated with your neuro appt. I hope all goes well! Off to search your post!