View Full Version : Help Please -need reassurance

04-12-09, 07:51
Hi Everyone

I found this site in the summer and it was a great help to me but all of a sudden I find myself worrying again. I have a great fear of HIV though I dont know whether this is HA or something inside of me telling me I have it.
I am now 16 weeks pregnant and due back at the midwife next week for results of my tests. They routinely test for HIV. I am panicking that they will tell me I have it and i have now harmed my baby. If I do have HIV I think I would have contracted it in 2001 when I was seeing a guy who I since found out has a dodgy history. I dont have any symptoms as such and any that I have had in the past have turned out not to be. For example I thought I had oral thrush but I was only a bit dehydrated. I just dont know what to do. Thanks

04-12-09, 08:27
Hi, I was a mess when I had to have my first ever blood test when I fell pregnant. I cried as I was sure I had some type of disease. The wait was terrifying and when I was sitting in the waiting room for the results I was a mess. That was nearly 3 years ago. The results were fine. What a relief. I was able to start to be excited to be having a baby. The same will be for you. Its your HA playing up. My son is now 2 and to be honest the only thing stopping me from having another is the fear of having to do all the tests again. HA sure does get in the way of things we should be excited about. Smile and enjoy your pregnancy. :hugs: