View Full Version : waking

04-12-09, 08:16
hi, i often wake with my heart racing but my pulse seems slower. im told this is not possible so if not what is it that makes it feel this way. it has been suggested to me it may be anxiety as i have a big fear when it comes to heart matters, also it could be muscles twitching but it doesnt feel like that. has anybody else felt this reaction? i have asked this question before but nobody seems to have any answers.

04-12-09, 10:21
Hi. I often wake with my heart racing and had put it down to anxiety. Sometimes it feels so bad that I find myself out of bed and standing up before I am fully awake. I am a little calmer on the whole at the moment and I find these episodes are a lot less.

04-12-09, 15:28
its the feeling my heart is going faster than my pulse which gets my panic going, but can it do that or is it just a feeling im getting in my body because of the anxiety ?

04-12-09, 16:29
its the feeling my heart is going faster than my pulse which gets my panic going, but can it do that or is it just a feeling im getting in my body because of the anxiety ?

I sympathise its not a good way to start the day .Its just anxiety and your body reacting to your fear of what is happening .You need to accept its just anxiety and not fight it ..Breathe deeplythrough your nose for the count of 7 and out for 10 .Do this for about 10 times or until you feel calmer .You will have to practise this to get the best results ,but it does work ..Have you read DR CLAIRE WEEKES BOOKS,they will help you understand why this happens and how to beat this awful condition .You can buy THEM FROM NMP SHOP .They are worth every penny and have helped people recover world wide ..Sue x