View Full Version : Introducing Myself

17-11-05, 14:33
Hi everyone!
Im new to this website and have found it helpful already just from reading other people's experiences.I have had an anxiety disorder on and off for about 10 years but the symptoms have become more acute since having a baby(2 yrs ago) and my father passsing away very suddenly(16 months ago). I rarely hyperventilate, moreso hold my breath.It usually commences with obsessive/irrational thoughts and anticipatory worry and then escilates into palpiations,tightness of the chest,weakness of joints,sweating and when extremely acute feelings of unreality.I think my disorder is a combination of social phobia,agoraphobia and OCD. I have read alot about panic and anxiety disorders so I can be a help to others as well as gain comfort in return,
Thanks for taking time to read this anyone,

L x

Lydia x x

17-11-05, 14:45
Hi Lydia and welcome to the site. Glad you have found it of some use already. You will find everyone very friendly with lots of good advice. I can so relate how your anxiety has escalated, mine all began after having a baby and losing my mum, all i can say at the moment, things will improve gradually. Have you been offered any counselling or medication from your doctor? sometimes people find this can help enormously. Will speak soon, others will be along soon to advise and welcome you. take care and keep in touch xxxxxx

17-11-05, 14:48
A big, warm welcome to you Lydia!:D

Jem xxx

17-11-05, 15:01
welcome lydia ......mazz x

everybody has to hurt sometime........

17-11-05, 15:20
Hi Lydia and welcome to the sit. you will get plenty of support from here. Take care, Vernon

17-11-05, 15:51
Hi Lydia,

Welcome to the site! I, like you found this site a great help with my own health anxiety which came on recently.

Take care


"Life's a roller-coaster and I am not strapped in"

17-11-05, 16:01
hi lydia
welcome to this site


17-11-05, 16:34
Hi Lydia
A big warm welcome to you



Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

17-11-05, 16:37
Welcome to the site Lydia.

17-11-05, 16:57
Hello Lydia


I was a breath holder too ..

Do you know what triggers set you off ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

17-11-05, 17:46
Hi Lydia

Welcome to the site. I hope we can help you progress with your recovery.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

17-11-05, 19:31
Hi Lydia,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of great advice here and make some good friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

17-11-05, 21:59
Welcome aboard!! :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

17-11-05, 22:03

A warm welcome aboard the forum and hope we can be of some help.


17-11-05, 23:05
Welcome Lydia,

So many of us here can learn off one another.

Good to have you here

Take Care


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

18-11-05, 10:49
hello :D
and welcome to this site... this is a great place to be you will get lots of support here and make some good friends...

18-11-05, 23:30
Thanks everyone for your kind messages, you've made me feel very welcome. Its wonderful to be open about feelings without fear of being judged.
To reply yo Meg's question,I think holding my breath in the midst of an attck just stems from holding alot of shame about the illness for such a long time

Lydia x x

19-11-05, 18:58
Hi Lydia

Your anxiety sounds like it's running riot at the moment. As for the breath holding. Just try to give in to it - don't fight it by holding your breath. Sometimes if you hold your breath briefly then you start to breathe normally again but my advice is to just let it do what it wants to. I know how hard it is and it's always very easy giving other people advice when you are not actually feeling it yourself. I do know how horrid the hyperventilating is and it makes you feel ill. Let your breathing do what it wants - you'll never stop breathing.

I found that aromatherapy oils burning in the room help with hyperventilating. I had some cream made up which I used to put on my chest to induce better breathing.

It sounds as if you have been suffering for a few years. Have you been on any medication? It sounds as if you may need something.

Anyway I really hope that you start to feel better soon. Keep us posted as to how you are coping.


Y Goble

20-11-05, 02:48
hi lydia & welcome :)

PTSD sufferer 2 yrs
married mummy to 3 kids

20-11-05, 10:51

Take Carexx
