View Full Version : Throat/tonsils cancer?

04-12-09, 14:55
For months on and off I get a sore throat, which is sometimes itchy at the back and also makes my ears really hurt. I went to the doctors today and he said my throat looked a bit sore, i had glands up in my neck but my ears were completely fine. I'm really concerned about the fact that he said my glands were up! However, he didn't prescribe me any medication he just told me to come back if I get tonsilitus. I've had this problem for months I know it's not bacterial and he said it was viral. I'm worried that it could be cancer though and I'm even more worried because he's not doing any tests on me.
I don't drink an awful lot of alcohol really, just when I go out because I'm a student. I don't smoke. However I have cervical HPV that makes your pap smears abnormal (had a HPV test positive) and have read about recent research that is saying people are getting oral cancers unrelated to smoking or alcohol because of HPV contracted by giving oral sex. I'm very, very concerned about this even though i don't know for sure whether there is a HPV infection in my mouth. I do know there is in my cervix and having given oral sex, seems like there could well be an infection in my throat too. The doctor just told me to gargle asperin. Should i go back?

04-12-09, 16:06
Yes, you need to go back to your doctor - for reassurance because you are worrying so much about this. Hopefully, you have a decent G.P. who realises it is important to give their patients information, and not just fob them off.

I've had bad sore throats and swollen glands when I've been run down, and about to come down with a particularly bad cold. It may be only that, but you're right to get yourself checked out just in case.

Hope you feel better soon. :)

Cell block H fan
04-12-09, 18:10
Ive made two threads in the last couple of months about sore throats coming & going. Mine is always on one side though, & the same side. Ive wondered if I'm coming down with something, only for nothing else to happen, just the sore throat.
Ive probably had it 3 times in as many months, & it lasts about 5 or 6 days at a time. My ear on that side hurts too.
But I haven't been to the doctors. They scare me.
Mine has been ok the last few days. But I'm always waiting for it to come back now at some point.
I dont have a problem swallowing food, its just genrally sore normal times. Strange x

04-12-09, 18:51
My son had constant sore throat for years on and off. He had swabs and everything. he just kept getting bouts of tonsillitis. When I was in my youth 18 - 20 I always seemed to have a sore throat. Try Manuka honey 3 times a day.

04-12-09, 18:52
There is some info in this thread:


Cell block H fan
04-12-09, 21:31
There is some info in this thread:


That was my thread! :roflmao:

04-12-09, 22:34
That sounds very familiar to me. Whenever I come into contact with something that i am allergic to I have a similar reaction. Desperately itchy throat spreading back to my ears. My ears can itch inside so much that I want to stick my fingers into them (not that it would help). I take a piriton tablet and it eases off within 30 mins. Piriton is an over counter antihistamine and you can get it in supermarkets as well as chemists. Piriton acts very fast and lasts for 4 hours. It is the oldest, fastest acting, most widely used antihistamine. (It must be safe as it is the only one they prescribe in pregnancy.)
Have you recently changed your washing powder or soap, or shampoo? Have you got a new house plant such as a geranim? New pet? Did you move house? New boyfriend?
Next time you get the feeling take a piriton and see if it helps. if it does then try to work out what the trigger was. It may be something as simple as your boyfriends aftershave! My stepmom uses the perfume called POISON and for me the name is very appropriate as it gives me the exact reaction you describe.
I hope this helps you. The cancers that happen in that area are pretty unheard of in people as young as you. They happen to people well over 50 who have had long term alcoholism, often combined with chain smoking.
Please dont worry:)

04-12-09, 23:59
That was my thread! :roflmao:

Oh so it was ha ha!

The post above fits with me. Any top coat paint, strong smelling detergent, perfume or anything like that and I have a sore throat, more like hot as though i am coming down with a cold. I have to leave the home for a few days if it needs painting

07-12-09, 01:58
Originally Posted by Cell block H fan http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/nmp/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?p=585047#post585047)
That was my thread! :roflmao:

Looking back at your comment about onesided pain, have you seen the dentist lately? The best person to reassure you would be your dentist. They look inside a lot more mouths than a doc so you wont feel fobbed off or get referred unnecessarily.They would notice anything worrying. I have had a lot of anxiety about the possibility of throat cancer and I asked my dentist to look at it, he said he ws trained specifically to screen all patients for mouth and throat cancer and that every time I go he checks me as part of the`routine'. It also struck me that it might be a dental problen anyway as a sensitive or slightly decayed wisdom tooth might give you the sensation af having a sore throat on one side. Just an idea if you dont want to see a GP:)

07-12-09, 02:05
I'm being dragged down by a sore throat and ear as you describe. I've had it about 5 months now, with just a few days relief between bouts. I had my tonsils out years ago. I've had one dose of antibiotics from the doc, which didn't help, I've been to the dentist, so I can only assume it's a viral infection. I've tried every throat medicine you can buy over the counter, None seem to give relief for more that 2 hours. Has anyone tried the manuka honey mentioned above?

Cell block H fan
07-12-09, 07:55
Originally Posted by Cell block H fan http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/nmp/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?p=585047#post585047)
That was my thread! :roflmao:

Looking back at your comment about onesided pain, have you seen the dentist lately? The best person to reassure you would be your dentist. They look inside a lot more mouths than a doc so you wont feel fobbed off or get referred unnecessarily.They would notice anything worrying. I have had a lot of anxiety about the possibility of throat cancer and I asked my dentist to look at it, he said he ws trained specifically to screen all patients for mouth and throat cancer and that every time I go he checks me as part of the`routine'. It also struck me that it might be a dental problen anyway as a sensitive or slightly decayed wisdom tooth might give you the sensation af having a sore throat on one side. Just an idea if you dont want to see a GP:)

Nah, I went to the dentist between sore throat bouts about 6 weeks ago, & he didn't say anything. I do have a very deep filling in a back tooth on the same side, that gives me a little bit of gip. He said its ok, but it is deep, so I expect at some point that will have to come out.
Throats alright at the moment. Hopefully it will stay away until after xmas! x

07-12-09, 13:08
I'm being dragged down by a sore throat and ear as you describe. I've had it about 5 months now, with just a few days relief between bouts. I had my tonsils out years ago. I've had one dose of antibiotics from the doc, which didn't help, I've been to the dentist, so I can only assume it's a viral infection. I've tried every throat medicine you can buy over the counter, None seem to give relief for more that 2 hours. Has anyone tried the manuka honey mentioned above?

yes I did and I tell you, it worked for me, it worked for my neighbour. Just let it sit in your throat 3 x times each day. The best is at night before you go to bed. Take a teaspoon and let it slide down and sit there. f course it gets washed away but for me it did work. Get +10 or +15 manuka. It's expensive but worth having some in the cupboard