View Full Version : Sinus/nasal blood

04-12-09, 15:10
I've had issues with my sinuses/nose for a year now and have had repeated talks with my GP. The initial bleeding was put down to the 'littles area' which is prone to bleeding etc. I'm sure that my GP is sick of talking about this now. I do get pain between my eyebrows but it is inconsistent. I was seen by an ENT in June who examined my nose and basically said 'noses bleed' and as it hadn't become worse over seven months not to worry.

My question now is to those who also get nasal bleeding either through the broken blood vessels in the nasal area or sinus issues. Is the blood always bright red or do you occassionally get some darker bits mixed in with your nasal mucus?

I've had some darker bits today and it's preying on my mind. I did have some bright red stuff half an hour earlier, could it be that it's just dried and come darker between blowing my nose. If it's a sinus infection could it be that sometimes the blood is darker because it's hung around the sinus tissue before coming out of the nose??

Thanks in advance:wacko:

04-12-09, 15:51
I think you're right, the darker stuff is almost certainly older blood. What does your doctor say about it?

04-12-09, 15:55
I think you're right, the darker stuff is almost certainly older blood. What does your doctor say about it?

I've not had it before:shrug:

04-12-09, 16:45
Darker blood will be older. The blood vessels in the nose are very close to the surfice (similar to inside our lips or mouth). Sometimes I can blow my nose for weeks and no trouble then all of a sudden a vessel will burst. So far it's happened twice this week. Admittedly, I can feel as if it's sore up there when I wipe it (in the middle piece or septum as I think it's called). Also. this cold weather I am constantly suffering with runny nose which makes it worse. As usual, a small blood vessel breaking in the nostril will look more dramatic than it actually is. Considering we have on average 8 pints of the stuff, Doctors are never really that bothered. It's surprising how mant people get them.

04-12-09, 17:45
Darker blood will be older. The blood vessels in the nose are very close to the surfice (similar to inside our lips or mouth). Sometimes I can blow my nose for weeks and no trouble then all of a sudden a vessel will burst. So far it's happened twice this week. Admittedly, I can feel as if it's sore up there when I wipe it (in the middle piece or septum as I think it's called). Also. this cold weather I am constantly suffering with runny nose which makes it worse. As usual, a small blood vessel breaking in the nostril will look more dramatic than it actually is. Considering we have on average 8 pints of the stuff, Doctors are never really that bothered. It's surprising how mant people get them.

Thank you, Horse! So do you get the darker blood when perhaps the blood has been inside the nostrils longer??:hugs:

04-12-09, 18:58
Yes that's right. Anything that's darker will of been in there some time. As blood dries it will become darker. Then, as your nose starts to run naturally, it will loosen the dried blood. Similar to when a 'scab' forms if we cut ourselves, it will always be dark brown/red.

04-12-09, 19:16
Thank you so much that is exactly what I needed to know:hugs: