View Full Version : Anyone paralyzed with fear?

04-12-09, 17:50
Hi ev1

Having big big troubles lately. Sometimes I get stiff and almost paralyzed with tension. I'm on medication but at the moment on typing this I am really really tense just because my heating isn't working properly and I've phoned the council, am waiting for a phone call back, but heating is on at the moment. Every day is bad enough but when a little something like this comes along, it sends me into total fear and tension which brings on all the symptoms like can't breathe properly, pins and needles, panic etc. My body feels like it's going to snap in half I'm so tense!

Does anyone else get like this? Anyone else so bad that every day they feel like they can't take anymore??


04-12-09, 18:07
Hi Els

I read you have stopped smoking recently
i had some bad days what i packed up

do you think it could be that x

04-12-09, 18:24
Hi PanicOver

Thanks for replying. I don't honestly think it's that, I'm just trying to think how long it's been since I gave up. Believe it or not I smoked for 37 years and I knew all that time that smoking made my nerves worse, but I never attempted to give up!!! How stupid was I?

Some people say smoking helps them to relax, but it is a stimulant.

I have been gradually getting worse with my nerves over the last couple of months, I dunno maybe you're right! Maybe I should just start smoking again, see if it's that!! NO, I'm only kidding but seriously this tension is so bad, I feel like my body's gonna snap!!


04-12-09, 18:33
You need to try and relax

Hot bath .. candles .. music

04-12-09, 19:01
I'm a fully paid up member of the "Ow, I can hardly move" club.
You should have seen me this morning Els, I had a really bad day yesterday, and I do mean bad, and had no choice but to make an hours bus journey to an area I hate to go for an appointment with someone at my daughters college.
I felt like crap, didn't want to go out in the cold (did I mention I was woken up by cramp in my leg at 4 am for the 3rd night running?:mad:) and to add insult to injury, my daughter who had caused the problem had to come with me. Grrr. Tension? You could have snapped me like a twig.
I have no easy answers, but I do have a habit of sitting automatically tensed up without necessarily realising it.
Maybe make a conscious effort to roll the shoulders a bit, clench and unclench the hands, that type of thing. I know it feels awful but don't let it stop you doing whatever you have to do.
By the way, I gave up the cigs in February and can honestly say that in the long term, it makes no bloomin difference to the anxiety at all, either positive or negative.