View Full Version : Really scared

04-12-09, 18:20
I feel so spaced out all the time, the day just seems to fly by and when it gets to the evening it feels like i haven't done any of the things that i actually did during the day.

I did 2 exams today and im sitting here now thinking that another person actually sat them for me, i know in my head that i took the exams but it really did feel like a dream.

Help me, im so scared :weep:

04-12-09, 18:23

Dont worry you feel that way because you were anxious thats all
its natural after sitting an exam xx

09-12-09, 23:17
That is one of my main symptoms (spaced out). I find that lack of sleep brings on this feeling. When I first used to feel like this I thought I was going crazy. Now I find something to distract myself with. Hope you feel better.