View Full Version : what does everyone reckon?

04-12-09, 18:21
Crikey!!THink i've finally worked out what the hells being going on. Been on the med 3 months now (20mg) and was so poorly before, i found this a bit of a lifesaver-it allowed me to function ish again and slowly my life's comi9ng back. But.... around 3 times now i've been back to square 1 and i've worked out why i think??
I've realised that i've had a drink around all 3 times i've ko'd again. Is this because it stops the citalopram working or is it that citalopram makes the hangover worse???
Anybody had the same??
It's like i suddenly just stopped being able to think positively AT ALL again for 3-4 days each time. My thinking is that alcohol just destroys this med.
Cheers guys

04-12-09, 19:21
Alcohol is a depressant so if you drink a lot, then it will negate the effects of the Citalopram (I think)

04-12-09, 22:46
Drinking with citalopram is like drinking double the ammount ,So the next day you feel worse with anxiety and headaches than you would do normally ..Some people have reported going back to square one after alcohol and have taken weeks to get back to where they were .If you are not stable on your dose ,meaning you do not feel free from anxiety or depression ,It will be worse .It also has a bearing to how much alcohol you drank before you started taking it .Small ammounts rarely will be ok if you have to drink ,But as it causes anxiety and depression you are only putting yourself at risk .Ask yourself ..is it worth it ..Sue

09-12-09, 13:09
I have just realised the same thing!! I was feeling really good again....so therefore allowed myself to have a few drinks!! The first time when i felt low again, Ijust thought it ws because I was tired. However it happens each time I have more than just a couple of drinks. Just recently I have been drinking a couple of glasses of wine a night and I have gone back to being a wreck!! Last night I finally realised that it is due to the alcohol!! Going on a detox today to try and get rid of the alcohol out of my body as quickly as possible!! I wont be drinking again!!:wacko: So glad that I am not the only one!!

13-12-09, 22:41
I think its dependent on the individual. ive been on citalopram 6 weeks and been drinking again the last 2/3 weeks and my hangovers the next day are no worse. Also, my sister in law is on another ssri and shes the same as me. It hasnt made a difference. my doc said it fine to drink-just try not to binge. As alcohol is obviously depressant!:)

eternally optimistic
13-12-09, 23:01

I didnt want to risk alcohol and tabs together, was too freaked before I took them LOL.

The effects of the tabs on me, in a good way, far outweighed my wanting to drink. Although I did miss an xmas tipple.

Good luck and stay with it.

15-12-09, 17:44
I agree,
I had a night out after I had been on them 6 wks and did have a binge (over a bottle of wine) and I was trashed - scarily so.
Went from being merry to paraletic with no warning so my tolerence to alcohol certainly lowered and my hangover the next day was a lot worse and my anxiety and I felt really down as well. Only took me 3 days to get back on track but wasn't worth it.
I do miss it and (may) have a couple over the Christmas period but try not to get carried away again as it definitely affected me more than it would not on Citalopram.
At least I tried it!