View Full Version : Oh dear more anx about the jab

04-12-09, 18:42
Have been offered the swine flu jab tomorrow...so what do I do...I google side effects and find all these awful one's with people dying or getting really sever reactions....I hate google and I hate myself for even looking.

I have had seasonal flu vaccine with no problems. Now I am just plain scared to have the vaccine, scared not to.

04-12-09, 18:46

Just want to try and put your mind at rest a bit. :)
I have severe asthma and a lousy immune system and am on powerful asthma medication.
I had the jab 2 weeks ago (think it was 2 weeks) and the worse reactions I had were a fairly sharp headache the day after and a bit of swelling on my arm.
That was it, nothing more! No googling! :winks:

04-12-09, 18:48
Thanks so much. I guess I will go for it and sit anxious for a week! :ohmy:

04-12-09, 19:01
As I have indicated on another SF thread, the only thing I had was a sore arm for a few days.

04-12-09, 19:02
Thanks so much....I am just over anxious about every itch right now. All the hype about people dying from it, etc, etc. Thank you for telling me you are okay after it

04-12-09, 23:28
Another here who has had it and is fine. My wife had it as well with no problems, as have a few people at work.

In fact, I don't know anyone who hasn't been fine with it, so please try not to worry :)

04-12-09, 23:56
That really helps and thanks.