View Full Version : Going Out My Mind.....Advice Please

04-12-09, 19:01

I am going out of my mind with worry again, I do not feel anxious in any way thats what worries me even more. I have this sore knawing pain under my left breast, I am sooooo worried about it, in two minds I want to go to A&E but yet again do not want to be silly, having been there done that and bought the t-shirt. I am so scared to say how bad it is to my partner, he has been through it all with me before.



05-12-09, 03:27
Did you go there before with the same problem? If so ..you might want to go back just to be safe.. It sounds like you are pretty upset.. So it doesn't matter if you been before.. go again just to put your mind at ease, even if its nothing.. Michael