View Full Version : Properly freaking out re MS.... Need help:(

04-12-09, 19:12
Hi all, my anxiety has been v good for a few weeks, the occasional hiccup but i have been able to rationlise it.... well not this:weep:

I have put on a little bit of weight when i was pregnant & although i am not completely their nearly back to my prepregnancy weight. I today pulled out an old pair of Knee high boots they wouldnt fit a few months ago i just couldnt get them to do up around my calf:blush: anyhoo tried them on and the left one zipped up no problem so i was v happy tried the other one on and i still cant get it to do up..... I didnt really think about it until i was walking around town that it must be wastage due to MS & thats why one leg is thinner than the other.... I am now at home and have been studying my legs like a mad woman & the thinner one has a shadow on it which im 99% sure is a dent :( .... i feel sick with the thought thats its wastage. Arnt legs meant to be symetrical?? this is going to ruin everything :weep:

04-12-09, 19:52
load of rubbish, if there was wastage you would find it difficult to lift that leg and it would be dragging.

It is pure anxiety and nobodys legs are the same and if you study this you will find these little dents, so chin up :yesyes: it is pure anxiety.

05-12-09, 09:01
Hi have you been diagnosed with m.s if not well no need to worry my husband has m.s there is NO muscle wastage with m.s it's muscle Gain as you get a lot of cramping and tensing spasms

05-12-09, 13:30
well i get muscle spasms/twitches so does that sound like ms as this is something which drives me mad and really worries me ?

04-01-10, 15:18
this is really bothering me again today. My right calf is definitly much thinner than my left & i know its smething bad :(

04-01-10, 15:30
tash honestly this sounds very normal, please don't worry.
MS has many varied symptoms and you would have a whole spectrum of other symptoms and not this in isolation.

04-01-10, 15:44
My mother has MS, and I have had my moments of concern with MS. Variation in leg size is not a symptom I have ever heard of. There are many reasons something like that could occur. If MS was an issue you would most likely be experiencing neurological issues (vision, numbness, awkward gait, balance, etc).

04-01-10, 15:55
i do have blurred vison all the time. It constantly feels like i need to blink! & i always feel dizzy :( i HATE this MS fear its been nearly a year of constant fear :(

04-01-10, 15:59
if you think it warrants it you should ask your GP for a referral to a neurologist.

but remember that blurred vision and dizziness are both symptoms of anxiety and even numbness and tingling can be caused by overbreathing/poor neck posture.

best to get it checked out if you're worried but the leg symptom wouldn't be a concern to most GPs in my opinion.

04-01-10, 16:09
thanks for the replys but my second biggest fear besides MS is the doctor lol so i wont be going for further tests. Ever since i found a lump in my boob in march i cant bring myself to go to the doctors unless its vital. I know it sounds silly but i just cant do it. The blurred vision is more like when you get something in your eye & you double blink to get a clear vision. Im annoyed that i promised myself i wouldnt freak out this pregnancy & i can feel it happening x

04-01-10, 16:39
As SpringBlossom mentioned, a lot of the symptoms that would possibly present for MS are very common in anxiety. I think that is why a lot of us HA people have episodes where we really fear MS. My left eye gets weird fuzzy vision from time to time, but I can always tie it back to anxiety after the fact, same with my lips getting pins & needles.

Kind of funny you mentioned promising yourself that you wouldn't freak out. I find anxiety to sometimes be a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. When I smacked my head last week I immediately said to myself I wasn't going to let this become an issue like I did once last year. Well, I have been obsessing about it since Wednesday. We can be our own worst enemy.

I know it isn't much of an answer, but time is really the only thing that helps with this. As time goes on you'll stop thinking about it. For now just try and get your mind on other things and stay away from Dr. Google. Deep breaths and long walks always help me clear my head. I wish you the best.