View Full Version : Worried again

04-12-09, 19:25
Hey everyone not posted for a while, but really struggling at the moment, could really do with some advice.

I am 29 years old and for the last 6-8 weeks i have been working out at the gym and on a high protein diet to lose weight. For the last few weeks i have been having problems with my stomach, for a few days i had an upset stomach along with stomach cramps, that sorted itself out, then for a few days i was quite constipated, have also noticed some undigested food in my stools which i have not noticed before. Went to the docs Wednesday who done an examination of my stomach and said it all seemed fine.

If i do go to the toilet alot i sometimes get quite sore and notice a bit of bright red blood on the paper when i wipe myself, which i think must be from a cut. What is really worrying me now is i keep checking to see if there is any blood in my stools when i wipe myself and i have noticed like some tiny spots of red like tiny red particles mixed in with everything on the paper.

I am worried about bowel cancer or something like that, i have been feeling quite tired aswell the last few weeks.

04-12-09, 21:12
Hi, You may have a fissure. Its basically a tear up the bum. They never really heal properly because of it being so moist up there. Any strain or change in bowel habits can cause it to bleed. I have one and regularly bleed a little. My husband has the same thing. Ive heard as long as its bright red blood on the paper its ok. If youve got the guts to go get a bum exam ( i did, oh how embarrasing )but im glad I did as now i dont worry about it. I look at my toilet paper after a bowel movement everyday now and its been 15 years. Take care. Adelle:D

04-12-09, 21:17
It is worth seeing your GP for a rectal check just to rule things out like piles etc!

05-12-09, 10:16
Thakyou both for your replies, its just with my anxiety i am convinced there is something seriously wrong.