View Full Version : Convinced I have Cirrhosis

05-12-09, 01:38
I know I've been here before, and i've been told by many that I don't, but I really think I have liver disease, Cirrhosis, because:

I have stretch marks on my arm (worried it's muscle / skin wasting)
I have marks from the slightest amount of pressure on my skin (clothes, surfaces etc) which stay for quite a while.
I keep noticing pin prick spots, blotches, etc
I keep noticing tiny purple veins on chest and feet
My skin is quite blotchy

I'm not a heavy drinker and I don't take drugs, and I don't think i've been at any risk of hepatitis or have an immune system problem (but seeing a rheumotologist soon)

I have mentioned my worries to my GP who said all my blood tests were fine, and I didn't have to worry about liver disease, I also mentioned it to the hospital several times, who said my liver was healthy, and there was no swelling, no jaundice, no high risk for cirrhosis, etc etc.

But still with all these marks keep coming up, and everything else, I'm convinced I have it.

I would appreciate any thoughts.

Going to see my Dr again next week.

Chris xx

05-12-09, 02:45
If im not mistaken I have some of what you are talking about. Random marks and blotches too..Im not young though..If you are really worried make the doc give you a through exam and press them for answers.Hope you feel better.Michael

05-12-09, 03:02
Chris, except for the blotchy skin, i have everything you have, i've had my liver checked and ct scans and i'm all good, i know it's hard when this is a fear of yours, i'm struggling with the MND or MS thing, but honestly mate, can't you see that after all the tests there is no way you could have Cirrhosis?

You say you "keep noticing" these things, you keep noticing them because your looking for them, and you need to stop doing this and try telling your irrational mind to fck off and that you know your ok because you've had the tests!

Good luck mate - Gaz

05-12-09, 14:10
Hey guys.

Thanks for the replies. Going to see the Doctor on Tuesday. I just can't seem to shift it in my mind.

I'm going to speak to him in more detail on Tuesday and maybe see if I can get a referral and if not, why he doesn't think I need one etc.

I know all my bloods have been clear several times, and physical exams have been normal, but I'm just sure with all these marks and dents etc that something is going on.

Don't know what to do for the best. Had a few days of feeling normal again, but now i'm back to worrying.


05-12-09, 14:54
I have marks from the slightest amount of pressure on my skin (clothes, surfaces etc) which stay for quite a while.
I keep noticing pin prick spots, blotches, etc

I have the same symptoms. I think the first one may just be an everyday thing. All it takes is for me to lean on something for a few minutes for an indentation to appear. I've also got chronic swelling of my feet and legs. It's not at all severe, no-one thinks it's noticeable apart from me. Petechiae is probably quite normal as well. I think it must be one of the worst symptoms for a hypochondriac to have though. I mean, search petechiae on Google and everything points towards some sort of serious illness. According to my doctor they're ALOT more common than the internet would have you believe. I'm not convinced though surprisingly. ;)

Anyway, I've convinced myself I've got Congestive Heart Failure. :D
I woke up hyperventilating one night so I'm positive that's because of Cardiac Asthma. And the water retention is the main symptoms of CHF. It can cause coagulatory problems as well which makes me worry more.

I've also got twitching as well though, and headaches and ear pain. It's a hard life having congestive heart failure and a brain tumour at the same time.:roflmao:

As usual it's probably nothing for you and for me. Let me know if anyone is able to shed any light on your symptoms.:yesyes:

05-12-09, 15:43
Hey Stuart.

Thanks for the reply, that has made me feel a bit better, that you are having very similar things to me. I also have twitching too, not sure if you read my other posts, so, sounds like we have a lot in common going on.

Have you had any blood tests, other tests etc? What did your Dr say?

I keep being told by numerous people that i'm fine, but it's just so hard to believe when you read so much serious stuff relating to your exact symptoms.

I'm going to see my Dr on Tuesday so i'll let you know how I get on.

Chris x

Cell block H fan
05-12-09, 15:55
Chris, except for the blotchy skin, i have everything you have, i've had my liver checked and ct scans and i'm all good, i know it's hard when this is a fear of yours, i'm struggling with the MND or MS thing, but honestly mate, can't you see that after all the tests there is no way you could have Cirrhosis?

You say you "keep noticing" these things, you keep noticing them because your looking for them, and you need to stop doing this and try telling your irrational mind to fck off and that you know your ok because you've had the tests!

Good luck mate - Gaz

^ I agree with all this.
I also think you need to build on all these different things you worry about, & let it register the fact that you have got over them, then ended up worrying about something else.
I dont think we are ever cured of HA, but even I dont get in such a state as I used to, simply because ive been there so many times before. If I posted on here everytime I had a symptom, I would be making a new thread every other day to be honest.
Ive had sore throats, tender breasts, aching arms, stomach pains, IBS symptoms, & numerous other things in the last few months Ive been on here. But only made a thread about the stomach pains & sore throat I think.
Because the sane part of my brain tells me I cant have everything wrong with me! lol

05-12-09, 16:01
I had a CBC for the petechiae and that's about it. Everything was perfect though.
My Doctor tells me I'm fine and have absolutely nothing to worry about. I'm going to mention the CHF on thursday when I go though. :D Oh she will despair.

I think the symptoms of something like CHF or Cirrhosis would be a lot more debilitating than we have tbh. I mean, I have a tendency to forgot about my symptoms when I'm out and about. I think if it was something serious then this wouldn't be the case.

How long have you had your symptoms now?

I've been like this for about 4 months, which makes me think if it was something like a malignant tumour or CHF then I'd probably be a bit more worse for wear than I am. :)

EDIT: And I've just noticed that i have tiny purple veins on my chest and all over my feet. :D

Cell block H fan
05-12-09, 16:22
I had a CBC for the petechiae and that's about it. Everything was perfect though.
My Doctor tells me I'm fine and have absolutely nothing to worry about. I'm going to mention the CHF on thursday when I go though. :D Oh she will despair.

I think the symptoms of something like CHF or Cirrhosis would be a lot more debilitating than we have tbh. I mean, I have a tendency to forgot about my symptoms when I'm out and about. I think if it was something serious then this wouldn't be the case.

How long have you had your symptoms now?

I've been like this for about 4 months, which makes me think if it was something like a malignant tumour or CHF then I'd probably be a bit more worse for wear than I am. :)

EDIT: And I've just noticed that i have tiny purple veins on my chest and all over my feet. :D

You would feel pretty pukey too! Most problems with the liver (apart from Obstetric colestasis, a liver problem in pregnancy that causes intense itching & early liver problems from alcoholism) leave you feeling sick all the time. My gran died of liver cysts. I dont know what the official term for it is, but its a genetic disease she had that shows symptoms from a youngish age. 20's. She would get bouts of it, where she would have to go into hospital to have them drained, for years. She always had a pregnancy belly though. Looked 9 months pregnant. About 8 months of the year she would be okish though feelings wise. When I went to hospital to see her the final attack she had at 76, she was heaving, but not bringing anything up. Its nasty liver disease. I should have had a scan years ago, but prefferred nOt to, & i'm 38 now, so know I haven't got it thank god. An aunt has it & my uncle. They are in their 50's. It will probably kill them eventually. But obviously people get run over by buses sometimes, before whatever they have kills them, so they dont worry bless them lol

06-12-09, 01:26
Hi Stuart

Thanks for the reply. I've had the problems (starting with the petechaie) for about 2 months now. The marks i've noticed over the last few days, but it may be because i'm dwelling on or noticing more at the moment.

Most worried at the moment about the marks / dents left, after the slightest amount of pressure, which then stay for sometime. It seems to have got better since i've been eating again (wasn't eating properly for a few days last week over the anxiety) so, the Dr said it can affect the skin more if you aren't getting proper nutrients or if you are losing/lost weight.

So yeah, had it a couple of months. But I think the other marks on my skin (usually have marks on my hips from tight elastic on boxers) have been there longer.

Thanks for your story Cellblock, but sorry to hear about your family having these problems.

Going to mention my worries to my Doctor (again!) on Tuesday, so will try and chill out until then.

If anyone else has these or similar symptoms would love to hear.

Chris x

06-12-09, 13:54
Anyone else?

13-12-09, 01:17
Chris are you taking any blood thinning medication at all? As this can increase bruising and marks. But is quite normal, and wouldnt mean you had anything wrong with your liver :D xx