View Full Version : Help---I don't know If there is something wrong with me!

05-12-09, 08:53
I used to do this really weird thing where I would place and day-dream.
I could do this every day, and found it quite enjoyable.
It's not like regular daydreaming, when you sit in class and your mind wanders. This is a full-fledged, and it's far more realistic and engrossing than normal daydreaming. It involves pacing and/or walking, at least that is how it works best. Also, I would listen to music as if it were a soundtrack for what's going on in my head. In that sense, it's a bit ritualistic. I'll go for a walk , or just walk around in my room, listening to my ipod. I used to do this for about an hour and a half at a time.
I would usually fantasize about what I think should've happened at the end of a book, movie, or television series.
I have a very vivid imagination, and I would like to pursue a writing career, as I am very creative.
When I first had my bouts of anxiety I stopped my pacing/fantasizing routine as I realized how weird it was, and am very anxious about mental health.
My mind still wanders, and it's not like I can't control it, or cannot differ it from reality, But I'm really scared that these are like, early warning signs for something more mentally serious, or that perhaps I have some kind of disorder?
I talked to my counsellor a bit about it, and he said that it was healthy, and every individual had their own way of relieving stress, But I can't seem to stop worrying about it.
What are your opinions on this? Can anyone relate? Advice? Knowledge?
-Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

05-12-09, 10:49
I don't think this is strange at all. We all day dream and fantasize, and we all have different ways of doing it. I know many people including myself who put on music then lose themselves in thought for an hour or two.
If I am stressed and need to think I always go for a walk.
You obvously think better when pacing/walking and this is not a bad thing. It is just your way of 'doing things'.
Don't try to stop your creative side, instead look at how you can pursue your writing career.

05-12-09, 10:52
I wouldn't worry too much about this. I've been 'away with the fairies' for years. If only our dreams could come true! I think we all have some form of fantasy world in which we wish we could stay or visit. It's only natural to think or visualise a place where we are safe or happy or whatever if we suffer so much as we do! Don't forget that most of the best films or books are based on an idea that someone once thought of. To be honest with you..............I haven't got back from 'Woodstock' yet and I have no intention of finding a way!

05-12-09, 17:27
It involves pacing and/or walking, at least that is how it works best. Also, I would listen to music as if it were a soundtrack for what's going on in my head. In that sense, it's a bit ritualistic. I'll go for a walk , or just walk around in my room, listening to my ipod. I used to do this for about an hour and a half at a time.
I would usually fantasize about what I think should've happened at the end of a book, movie, or television series.

LMAO i do this too lol, i am slightly mad tho :wacko: i've done this since i was about 10 and i'm 23 now lol.
Seriously tho... i dont think there is anything wrong with it at all, just a good imagination :yesyes:

07-12-09, 16:41
It's a shame the creative ones are the anxious ones. So many famous, brilliant people let thier minds wander and they get anxious or depressed, but not mad...it seems to be a blessing and a curse...you obviously have a brilliant mind like them and you must use it to make the world a better place. When you hear how people have been inspired by your work, let that be your medicine.:D