View Full Version : Worried again - twitching and anxiety back with a vengeance

05-12-09, 10:13
Hi There,

I was doing really well keeping my anxiety under control, but over the last 24 hours I have been panicking again about my twitching and the strange sensations in my right hand - slight weakness at times.

The logical explanation is that I am tired and physically stressed lifting and carrying a 2 yearold around, therefore stressing my right arm and hand. The illogical - but dominating - explanation is that I have motor neuron disease and things are going to get worse. I saw a neurologist in September who assured me that everything was OK, but I can't get out of my head that he made a mistake. HELP!!!

Why can I not just accept that I AM OK? I have shaking and twitching and trembling all over my body at times. I am just so worried. My GP has been fab, but I sense that even she is starting to lose patience! I am on medication and have been doing well for the last 4 weeks or so (tablets taken for 11 weeks).

Thanks for listening and any advice or help or reassurance would be wonderful.


P.S. Made the mistake of asking Dr Google again - how stupid was that???

05-12-09, 10:51
its sounds all your symptoms down to anxiety ,, its horrible the more we worry about illness the worse we get your not alone try to stay positive hun

05-12-09, 15:48
Sounds like your living in my world. Its awful isn,t it. I google every symptom and can,t stop doing it. I have digestion probs at mo, logically its just that or could be gallbladder my Gp thinks. But my head tells me i have cancer etc. I,m so frustrated by this flaming anxiety. I do not take meds anymore and don,t want to start again, but its blooming hard going. Feels like i,m going mad sometimes. Have had 2+ yrs of this and want it gone. I do think we have to accept that this is with us for life and that it will come and go but never be gone forever. But please please know that you are not alone. I do hope your feeling a bit better.
x x x

05-12-09, 16:16
You sound just like me! Take a look at my posts, it may reassure you :)

05-12-09, 17:09
i'm the same... got new twitches that are a bubbling feeling in my left foot but i twitch all over, all the time.

I too have a weak feeling right hand, yet i still have full strength tho it does feel stiff, i also have swallowing difficultys atm so i am scared of MND too and i'm waiting to see the neuro in 10 days, even though several doctors have told me it is just anxiety and somatization.

Not much help i'm afraid but just to let you know your not alone - Hope you feel better soon - Gaz

05-12-09, 21:25
Thank-you so much for replying. It really does help to know I am not the only one suffering from this illogical anxiety. Why can we not all accept what our doctors are saying and relax and enjoy every day?? I WANT to believe my neurologist - he seemed like a very intelligent, thorough, caring individual and would not have sent me a way if he had thought there was anything wrong. WHY can I not accept his diagnosis??

Anyway, thanks for listening, and here's to a happier day for us all tomorrow.

Take care. xx

05-12-09, 22:40
I have recently been struck with the twitches too. I get them in my legs, feet, arms, abdomen. Have them everyday. I am seeing my doctor on the 8th and am going to mention them to him. My only concern is that I have been much more anxious and not had them but I do now. But I had surgery 8 weeks ago and was extremely stressed afterwards so maybe that triggered it.
I am exactly like you, my doctor will say you are fine and yet I spend hours googling. Its tough. Hope you feel better soon.