View Full Version : Hello all,New to this site .....

05-12-09, 13:16
Hello all,I'm Alana 29 and mum of four very gorgeous children....I have anxiety that i have had for the past 16 years....not continuely though,i can go months (when i'm working and have a busy social life) without the slight feeling of one,then my children will get sick or a financial problem could arise...then i'm back feeling as though i can not breath,constant dizziness,shakes....that ache at the pit of my stomach,chewing my fingers (i have ocd with clean ness) that escalates terrible when i feel anxious...i worry about my family getting ill due to dirtyness. I can't go on buses on my own,lifts are a no no...would avoid them at all costs....only time i go doctors is for checks up when pregnant.....it's not that i'm scared off them...it's beacause i don't want to feel as though i'm wasting there time!!!!

some days i can't even get out the house to pick my children up from school,I'm ok taking them but for some reason,i just get anxious when it comes to picking them up :-(...This is the main problem i really need to overcome in my eyes anyway.

I do not have any friends that have anxiety issues so i kind of feel alone and as though i'm a tad weird...I'm a very outgoing person normally and am always the first to break into a joke and laugh....I think that helps me to cover the anxiety i feel when out!!

Would very much love to speak to others that have the same issues as myself....I do not take any tablets and rather keep it that way,As a teenager i had a small drug problem which i overcome over 10 years ago just before i had my eldest child....since then i don't even take painkillers and haven't drank alcohol in over 6 years!!..it's a choice i made to better myself and undertake my parental responsibilities better,Nothing to do with my anxiety issues
!!...I use the breathing methods to help and it does help in most of my cases.
Thank you for reading and hope to speak soon
P.s this is the first time i have ever openly spoke about this and took the step to join a site so please go easy on me lol

05-12-09, 13:18
Hi Alana29

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

05-12-09, 13:44
Hi Alana. :)

magpie girl
05-12-09, 18:24
welcome to the forum xxxxxxxx

05-12-09, 20:33

every one I am Debs i had panic attack 6 months went on for 5 days worrying baout whne i get a nose bleed I have a brain tumar I have a sliding hiatus herna which cant eat hard stuff am on lasoprozole to reduced acid I eat 2 meals a day thats it really odd treat gets me down all the time I am a vegan as well dont drink or smoke.

I neraly had one tonight had to do sit ups and yoga then it stopped i controll it i called nhs as was scared i drink camolile tea this has helped so much you wouldnt belive and vitamins every day as well.

I refuse to go out on dates its like no ones not good enopugh for me i i had a friend i never trusted her she lied to me all the time so I ditched that now I dont trust any thing any one saids . I feel isolated i always make people happy and smile but they never me people some are selfish. i get scared so scared hope this site helps and most of all i can help others and make trusting honest friends on way that would be fab I am 42 have pic on profile .xx

ill levae this on minamise just so i feel not on own untill can get in chat room please say hello

05-12-09, 22:02
Hi Alana and Hi Debs,

Welcome to the site :) I have OCD with cleanliness as well so I know how that feels. I hope the site helps, you will find a lot of others with simlar problems as yourselves. Feel free to come into chat sometime, there are some lovely people in there.
Take care,
Charlotte xx

05-12-09, 22:15
Hi to both
You are not alone and for me it's been good to realise that.
Hope to talk to everyone soon in chat