View Full Version : How long for symptoms subside

05-12-09, 13:39

Just a quick question for everyone. My anxiety levels over my headache have dropped over the last few days but I still have a mild ache above my right eye. It's not painful really but more annoying than anything I'd just like it to go. My question is how long after people stop worrying do there symtoms take to dissapear?? If mine is bought on through worrying or somotizing then will they gradualy fade away or even though i'm not really worrying will they still stay as long as i'm thinking about them all the time??

What do you all think?

I got this after a bad migraine that went after a day or two then that set me off worrying about headaches then later at night I spent a long time in the dark with my iphone and noticed it started hurting so rather than thinking it was ee strain or something it set me off worrying about my head!!

J x

05-12-09, 13:59
It sounds as if like I do at times, you focus in on some other form of pain or sympton then that pushes up the anxiety levels again.

05-12-09, 17:47
Hey Jay,
Id like to know the answer to this 2!!! LOL. Ive had a constant headache now for about 4 weeks with other strange head sensations, yesterday i had no headache and i thought yeah great, but today i have another along my brow line, mainly over my right eye area, very annoying!!!
Take care

Debs x

05-12-09, 18:09
I think the answer lies in breaking the pattern that your brain-body has created. If you stop worrying about it *completely* and your pain/headache was caused by tension then I would have thought it would go completely. But if you're just worrying *less* and it's still in the back of your mind, then the tension is still there - albeit less.

Learning to relax your muscles completely is an important part of dealing with anxiety. When we get anxious we don't realise that we're tensing and awareness of this helps to break the pattern in these somatoform conditions.

05-12-09, 18:43
I guess jsut becasue my anxiety has gone doesn't mean I stopped thinking about it. I think about it 24 7 just waiting for it to go. This is probably why it won't!!