View Full Version : 10 Week Plan to beat this...

05-12-09, 15:00
OK it's an 8 week plan, I ran out of ideas.

Not based on any scientific evidence, just something I'm going to try from January 1st:

Week 1: Obsess

Google every little symptom you have, post regularly on here, basically overkill your symptom analysis to the point where it becomes silly, eg if one of your muscles twitches, google everything about ms and parkinsons etc.

Make the most of this week because you won't get the chance again

Week 2: Doctors and cold turkey

Book an appointment and go and spill the beans about EVERY symptom to your doctor. Tell him you think you are seriously ill and that you want some tests done to reassure you. Get referred, and maybe get a small supply of diazepam for when your HA is at its worse.

In the meantime, this week you are not allowed to Google ANYTHING to do with your health and you're not allowed to come on this forum or any other health related forum.

Continue this til Week 5.

Week 3: Diet and Exercise

Make sure this week you get out and exercise every day for at least 30 mins/day. Try to do more. A sport you enjoy is best. Believe me, it makes you feel MILES better.

At the same time download a healthy diet from the internet and cut down on alcohol, junk food, smoking etc.

Continue this for the remainder of the course.

Week 4: Research

Get on Amazon and buy Claire Weekes, Its Not All In Your Head, Phobease, Feel the Fear and do it Anyway, Paul McKenna Instant Confidence. Any other books you can find too.

Read them, take them in, and they WILL make you feel better.

Week 5: Obsess Again

Yippee! A whole week where you are free again to obsess to your heart's content about your health. Your referral tests may be coming up too, so it's a good time to obsess. Really push the boat out - try and diagnose yourself with the worst things possible.

Remember you're still exercising regularly and eating well.

Use this week to return to this forum and let us all know how you're getting on so far.

Week 6: Cold turkey and Enjoyment/Treat yourself

Right that's enough obsessing. You should be sick of it by now anyway, and you should have a strong desire to fill the rest of your life, however long it may be, with fun, enjoyable things.

Treat yourself to something you LOVE doing to reward yourself for sticking it out this far. This treat MUST NOT be googling symptoms, however comforting you may have found it before.

Week 7: Grow some balls

By now you should be experiencing symptoms again and wanting to google them/ask about them on the forum. DON'T. Be brave. Think about the courage shown by soldiers on the beaches in WWII, facing their own certain death. The amount of courage needed from you is FAR less. You CAN manage it.

Week 8: Help others

By now you're cured - help others in the same boat by sharing your experience and your path to recovery.

05-12-09, 16:05
Love it!, going to try it for sure- roll on january 2010 and see what it can bring.
Already got Claire Weekes book, Paul Mckennas stop smoking and might save my Diazepam for next year too!! so I'm already half way there!

2009 Will certainly be well and truly 'terminated' after the year I've had....

Thanks Skippy66, hope this helps or guides other people into making a recovery from these horrible attacks.