View Full Version : Big Anxiety Attack last night - related to ear problems

06-12-09, 00:33
Hi Guys,

Well last night I was at work and finally had enough of my problems with my ear and started to feel quite anxious about it and started getting really hot and had a hot face and started to get the 'detatched' feeling, which i absolutely hate.

Basically Ive had an ear infection for over 2 weeks now. A Dr has told me, friends who have had similar symptoms have told me and a nurse where I work has told me its an infection. SO WHY CANT I ACCEPT THIS? Surely ear infections dont last for over 2 weeks? Instantly last night I started thinking the worst that something more sinister was going on.

I am going to see my GP at the start of the week but Im so worried Ill get sent for scans and tests.

06-12-09, 00:39
Hi Jono,
Im no expert obviously, but i thought i might reassure abit that my daughter suffers with her ears quite abit and gets quite alot of ear infections..... her last 1 being in july, and it lasted nearly a month and in that time had 2 couses of antibiotics, with her infections she suffers fever, headaches and neck pain.
So just wanted you to know that yes an ear infection can last a while.
Hope you feel better soon, take care,

Debs x

06-12-09, 01:08
Thanks so much Debs. Ive been experiencing neck pain as well and thats the thing that has been worrying me because Ive been thinking 'glands' etc! But knowing someone else suffers with neck pains in comforting to know. Ive had ear infections before like in the outer ear which have been very painful but this one seems to be more deeper inside my ear if that makes sense? x

06-12-09, 01:38
Jono, if it is inner ear problems, it can last for months/years/even more so don't panic about it lasting two weeks.

Also, can relate to the neck problems (more on the side relating to the problem ear, or generally all round if trouble with both.

I have ear problems and just learning about it being sinus related. Just today, I suffered fullness in ear, Tinnitus (as always), headache, neck pain and pressure across forehead and eyes which is all related to ear trouble.

Good luck with the doc, try not to panic and maybe think about a decongestant or something in the meantime, it might do the trick even though I believe it could take some time to sort out with them.

Also, did you know anxiety can be related to ear problems generally.

Good luck mate.

06-12-09, 02:16
I didnt realise ear problems could be related to anxiety. Do you know in what way they can be linked?

06-12-09, 11:00
Not too sure of the science behind it, but have read about it. See my post here http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showpost.php?p=563369&postcount=3