View Full Version : comparing self to others

06-12-09, 02:12
how do you become happy with who you are? I'm constantly comparing myself to others and see myself as a stupid, ugly failure. It doesn't matter how much my friend says otherwise I can't seem to change how I see myself. Has anyone managed to overcome this?

Desprate Dan
06-12-09, 18:27
I do this all the time but i am trying my best to stop this with CBT therapy and mindfulness...

You have to learn to love yourself. Keep telling yourself you are a good person and have rights just like every other person..

Take Care


08-12-09, 21:05
I've been reading alot recently to try and stop myself thinking these things. I've found quite a bit of inspiration but the jist of it was:

You are different to other people. No two people are the same and not everyone is good at the same thing. We'd never get anything done if we were. Just think about what you *can* do and what you are contributing to life and other people. I'll try and find one post in prticular and tell you what it said.