View Full Version : Heart issues

06-12-09, 17:53
I have been experiencing anxiety and panic attacks since having my son in 2008 and following that experiencing acid reflux disorder (had ambulance out twice) that seems to have triggered it all. I get palapatations, I feel my heart almost stop then a sudden big pump, sometimes I can feel my pulse (strongly) in my stomach (above belly button) my stomach churns, I go hot, my chest goes tight, my arms tingle I convince myself I am dying of a heart attack or blood clot and then I rush off to the walk in centre. I have seen the doc they assure me its anxiety, yet I still question what if it is more than that????? I feel like I am going mad, my persianlity has changed I am snappy and can't cope with stress very well anymore. I am waiting for concelling But I don;t feel normal anymore. Does anyone have the same symptoms? Feel the same? I don't feel anyone trully understands what I am going through (people who are close to me) I just want to switch it off now but I am desperately trying to find ways to cope with it.... is it anxiety and panic attacks??? Am I now a hypercondriac?? Am I actally mad? I am having aheart attack, aeortic aneurism? blood clot? arghhhhhhhh x Does nayone else have these symptoms???

06-12-09, 17:59
Hello, I have the exact same symptoms as you and have ended up at hospital and thought I was dying it is all anxiety symptoms and it is the worse. I'm so sorry you are feeling this way. I felt worse after the birth of both my children. I now have good days and bad days and just have to take it one day at a time. I hope you feel better soon amy xx

06-12-09, 18:12
Hi, I anwered your other question,,,you are not alone,,and over worrying about your health is a typical symptom,,,you are not going mad,,you are just going through a rough time at the moment,,I used to visit my doctor 3 / 4 times a week because i was convinced I was seriously ill. Are you seeking professional help, ie counciller etc or on any medication for anxiety ?

jools x

margaret jones
06-12-09, 18:28
Hi Georgie
All the sympyons you are experiencing are i am sure familiar to lots of us here at N.M.P. i Certainly have had them all we just need to accept that they are caused from anxiety (horrid ) i know but you will get better . Are you on any meds ?

Take Care Margaret :hugs:sending you a hug

06-12-09, 21:14
Hi Georgie, first of all please realize you are not alone, you are really having an awful time of it right now and I hope you take some strength from the fact that alot of us here are going through a similar experience and we will get through it.

You are certainly not going mad or losing your mind, what you descrbe are classic anxiety symptoms, not only do anxiety attacks make you feel you are losing it, they drain you of energy and leave you feeling exausted. Which makes it harder sometimes because feeling exausted leaves you on edge which makes it seem even more like your going mad! An awful vicious circle. I have a one year old baby and because he sometimes sleeps through the night and does not wake up I know the differenxce between the way I feel after a bad nights sleep and a good one, after a good one when I am rested I feel much more in control of myself and my anxiety is easier to handle, after a bad night though it is a struggle and any symptoms I have such as heaviness in my chest or pains in my chest is suddenly a heart attack or blood clot, it is important you try and get some good rest I fully appreciate that it is hard but please try. I really hope you can get a handle on this and start to pull things together and don't feel alone if you can help it, leave a post on here everytime your down or it gets too much and someone will be going through the same thing, all my best wishes xx

06-12-09, 21:22
Hi Georgie i have the exact same symptoms it's awful i am obsessed it's my heart and feel sure it's going to stop at any minute..

I actually do have a heart complaint and have it checked often and i'm told it's fine but i can't help my mind thinking oh my god it's getting worse...I sometimes feel sure i can feel a rush of blood going through my arteries..It is very reasurring to know i am not alone but not nice for anyone to have,Mine also started after my youngest child was born and she's 6 this month x x :)