View Full Version : mr tingles

06-12-09, 19:01
im 29 but feel 89 i keep getting a tingley feeling in my head feels like spiders walking on my brain it only lasts a few seconds but its driving m,e nuts:shrug:any ideas

06-12-09, 22:53
Defo sounds like something iv,e had before and for me defo anxiety related. Obviously you should always get it checked out by a doctor if it continues but mine told me its a bit like neuralgia, and its to do with ya nerve endings and was nothing to worry about. Easy said tho isn,t it . x

07-12-09, 11:15
I had the same when I was really stressed, it lasted for weeks. The way I described it was "ants walking all over the top of my head". It was definately stress related and I found the more I thought about it, the worse it was. Hope this info helps and yours disappears soon.