View Full Version : Medication

06-12-09, 21:23

I've been suffering from anxiety for about 2 years now and my Doctor prescribed me propranolol a year ago. At the moment i'm taking 40mg 3 times a day.
I don't find that these have been working for me but my Doctor hasn't given me any other options. In a couple of days i've got exams and i really don't think that i'm going to be able to sit through them on propranolol.
Could anyone recommend some effective medication that i could suggest to my Doctor?

07-12-09, 00:55
Unfortunately, doctors don't like giving the medication that's probably most effective for anxiety: benzodiazepines (diazepam, alprazolam etc). Obviously they have their reasons for this, like cognitive problems and addiction. If you can tolerate it, propranolol is probably a good choice, but as you say it's done little to help you there's no point in carrying on with it.

You could go on an SSRI/SNRI antidepressant or mention pregabalin to your GP (there's a lot of posts on this here). But all these meds can affect your cognition, so my advice would be to try to get through your exams without any meds.

07-12-09, 02:13
Hi. I found propranolol worked well for me, but we are all different. If you have exams coming up, now is not the time to make a change. Perhaps you could explain to your doc that you would like to try a change after exams, but could he give you just a few days supply of a benzodiazepine to get you through the exam period.

Try a muscle relaxation tape as well. If you practise as much as you can from now to exams, you should be able to recall it instantly to relax you during the exams.

Good luck!

07-12-09, 21:28
ok, thankyou.