View Full Version : Lump in groin

06-12-09, 22:34
I have always been a healthy person, however last year I started experiencing a lot of abdominal pain and cramps. I was diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease and treated with an aggresive concoction of antibiotics. I remember at the time feeling the lymph nodes near my groin, as I had been losing a bit of weight due to the PID and I had never felt them before. They were both raised slightly.
Now, a couple of months on, I have a bump on the right side, near the crease of my upper thigh. I have been panicking and prodding it and now I have aches and pains (like a muscle pain) where the lump is. It feels fairly hard, and more like a muscle that anything else. I am absolutely terrified that I have lymphoma, and being a hypochondriac I always fear the worst! I am going to the doctor tomorrow, but has anyone else experienced this?

07-12-09, 20:29
I haven't experienced this but I bet it's uncomfortable because you've been prodding it!! We all do it!! I hope you get on okay at the doctor's. Sometimes we all get lumps and bumps and it doesn't have to be serious - we just always think it is!! Good luck.