View Full Version : morning or evening?

07-12-09, 07:53
I am at the end of week one on citalopram. Am taking them at night, cos that is when doc told me to take them. but am finding I am up and about and pacing around the house at half past 2 every morning, and my anxiety is through the roof!
Has anyone got any advice on best time to take these.

Veronica H
07-12-09, 09:21
I take mine in the morning Di and the Dr never mentioned when I should take it. You should expect some side effects though especially in the first few weeks. :bighug1:


07-12-09, 10:31
I was on these meds for years until doctor gave me someting different.
I took mine in the mornings, I think thats when you need them, but thats my opinion.
If the doctor told you to take them at night, maybe you should carry on for a while and if you feel no different go talk to him.:)

16-12-09, 18:59
You should probably take them at teatime, I used to take mine at bedtime but doc said morning or certainly by teatime is the best time x

17-12-09, 17:51
I have been taking mine at night along with trazadone. I have been on the trazadone for a while now and was getting a great sleep with them. The doc added the cit again about 3 weeks ago and i found i was not been sleeping as well. last monday i changed to taking them in the morning and last night my sleep was much better.
I suppose we are all different.

02-01-10, 00:52
i have only taken them for 3 days but was told to take them in the morning but i notice a heavy sedative effect although everyone is different i would talk to your doc as it obviously doesnt matter when you take them but the effects they have on you. x

02-01-10, 01:51
Ive always taken mine when i get up in the morning but i found as my sleeping pattern isnt brilliant I would end up taking them at 7 one morning and midday another, which i think is why some doctors say to take them in the evenings as apposed to the mornings.
Would tend to say that so long as you are able to take them at the same time every morning then thats the way to go as they wont effect your sleep as much.
Might be worth talking to your GP about it, but i cant see any reason not to take them in the mornings if their effecting your sleep.
