View Full Version : feel sick...bad tummy....anxious!

07-12-09, 07:57
I felt really sick last night, it came out of nowhere came on so suddenly. After feeling sick for about an hour i had diarehea (sp!) just the once, but ever since my tummy has been bubbling, groaning....... i eventually fell asleep about 3am, woke up and 6.45am, and its still all here, sicky and a dodgy tummy. It definatley isnt something i ate, but i have been extremely anxious the last few weeks....... so my question is, is this a symptom of anxiety or maybe the onstart of a bug?? My brain is tired of thinking about all the "what ifs", im edgy thinking im feeling ill because of all my head issues and that somehow this is connected and something bad is going to happen. I basically dont feel with it at all, and feeling sick etc is making my anxious state alot worse.

Thank you for reading, and thank you in advance for any replies,

Debs x

Desprate Dan
07-12-09, 08:09
Debs, i am sure its all to do with that nasty thing anxiety. Your stomach is one of the most sensitive parts of your body and anxiety can severly effect it, i suffer from anxiety and my stomach is constantly churning, gurgling and wind and i suffer with diahorea and feeling sick too... Its worse when you feel very anxious, it seems to settle down when i feel calm and relaxed..


07-12-09, 10:43
Hi Debs, sorry you are feeling so poorly and it is difficult to say whether it is you or a bug. There is the winter vomiting bug going around at the moment, 7 wards of our local hospital has been closed because of it. There is no easy answer, but if you do have the bug then it should be gone by 48 hours and if it hasn't, then you will know it is you. I really do hope that you will feel much better by the end of the day.

margaret jones
07-12-09, 10:57
Hi Debs

Poor you could be your anxiety causing the prob as soon as my anxiety increases so does the speed of my ( food transiet ) .Hope you feel better soon try and relax and take plenty of fluids .

Take Care Margaret

07-12-09, 19:19
Thank you for the kind replies, i just wanted to say that im feeling abit better, still abit sicky so i am putting it down to my anxiety over head issues just getting on top of me.......hopefully my relaxation mode will kick in soon!!!! lol.
Thank you all again,

Debs x

margaret jones
07-12-09, 19:34
Glad you are feeling better Debs Hope your relaxation mode has clicked in :hugs:for you