View Full Version : I have pleurisy, am scared

07-12-09, 11:02
Hi all

Well I have had a cold for a few days, anyway, I woke up in the night with a real sharp pain in my right rib when I breathed in and out. So scared.
Anyway, I went to the docs today and it turned out to be pleurisy.

I am really scared, I stupidly googled and have seen it can be down to a pulmonary embolism. I had been thinking I had a blood clot for a few days as my right calf has been hurting.

Has anyone had pleurisy?

I am really frightened


07-12-09, 11:48
Sorry you're feeling so poorly. You might want to go back to your doctors for more information, to stop you worrying unnecessarily.

Hope you feel better soon.

07-12-09, 11:55
I had pleurisy years ago and I'm fine.

It was just when the law made wearing seat belts compulsory. My side was too sore to have a belt over, so the doc wrote me a letter to give to the police if I was stopped explaining why I couldn't wear a belt. I was longing to be stopped, but never was!

Please go back to your doc if you need more advice. Googling is the worst thing you can do.

Little Miss Anxious
09-12-09, 15:08
I had plerrisy in my late teens, it was really horrible but I was fine after a couple of weeks, never had any after effects from it (I'm 36 now).

Get well soon x

Little Miss Anxious
09-12-09, 15:16
p.s most common cause is bad cold or flu (maybe your cold was mild flu) mine followed a nasty chest infection. If your pleurisy is following a cold that all makes sence.

Try not to worry, your GP cant have thought it was anything too sinister or he would have investigated.

Get some rest, take good care of yourself & try to sleep....I know thats not easy - I remember I found it easier to have a big pile of pillows behind me so I was half sat up in bed.

09-12-09, 16:37
sorry your feeling so rough, your a bad girl for googling though slap on wrist for you , im sure you will be fine but it is frightening having something like that,take good care of yourself read more books to take your mind off it a little if you can , as said before if dr was over concerned youd be investigated a lot more take care