View Full Version : How many opinions...

07-12-09, 12:13
Hello all.

I'm going through a bit of a difficult time, dealing with health anxiety at the moment.

Convinced I have a liver problem. I've been told by my Doctor, several doctors at the hospital and a couple of nurses that I don't have liver problems, and my liver is healthy, and i'm not presenting with any typical signs of serious liver disease, yet I still can't get it out of my head.

Do you think with so many different opinions I should just let it go?

I'm constantly noticing new things, which spark my worry, and as soon as I start to relax, something up crops up.

Not sure what to do. I want to be able to leave it and move on, but don't want to drop down dead in 3 years because I just left it.

Any thoughts would be great.


07-12-09, 12:40
Chris, I really sympathise with what you are going through, even though I'm not an HA sufferer myself I have been on NMP long enough to see how it affects people.

I honestly think you have to make a decision to listen to all the advice you have had, including sound advice here from people who have the same problems as yourself with HA.
You don't have cirrhosis, there would be definite changes in your blood if this were the case. You have been examined, there are also definite changes that are apparent on physical examination of the liver..you haven't got them.
You are focusing on something that could affect any of us..I have blotchy skin and teeny little purply red spots on different places, these can be caused by having a bit of a sensitve skin, washing a bit roughly, wearing slightly tight clothes, trainers..the possibilities are endless. :winks:

You are looking for reassurances, we are always glad to reassure but you also have to take a wee step yourself and look at the facts.
I know it's easy to ignore the positive stuff but go back and read the replies to your other thread again..they are telling you what you need to hear.

Take care :flowers:

07-12-09, 13:22
Hi ChriisMayo sorry you have this idea of liver disease, I think too also you have to decide to accept what all the medical experts have told you.
If it's of any help did you know the liver as a self regeration system in place ?
If there was any abnormalities at all the medics would have picked up on that i'm sure.

All the best Toby

07-12-09, 14:34
Hello Chris,

Yes, you should let it go, but I appreciate that is one of the hardest things to do when you are in the grip of health anxiety. With all the tests and examinations you have had there is no chance whatsoever you have liver problems. Trying to break the negative thinking pattern is extremely difficult, but with determination I do believe you will be able to get yourself out of the loop. This is something I have done in the past, which has helped. Be very firm with yourself and don't allow yourself to check out your body for broken viens and blotches etc. These blemishes are normal, but at the moment it is extremely difficult for you to view them rationally, so be kind to yourself and don't allow it to fuel your anxiety. Instead, try writing down all the reassuring comments the doctors and nurses have given you, and keep this piece of paper with you; whenever you get an anxious thought read through to remind yourself all the professionals have told you there is absolutely nothing abnormal about any of the tests you have had; everything is perfectly normal, and you have a healthy liver.

I really do feel for you, because i know how hard it is to find peace of mind. At some point you will be able to look back with some clarity.

07-12-09, 14:42
deep down chris you know your ok ,,its your mind playing games with you ,it must be so difficult for you x

Cell block H fan
07-12-09, 14:56
Hello all.

I'm going through a bit of a difficult time, dealing with health anxiety at the moment.

Convinced I have a liver problem. I've been told by my Doctor, several doctors at the hospital and a couple of nurses that I don't have liver problems, and my liver is healthy, and i'm not presenting with any typical signs of serious liver disease, yet I still can't get it out of my head.

Do you think with so many different opinions I should just let it go?

I'm constantly noticing new things, which spark my worry, and as soon as I start to relax, something up crops up.

Not sure what to do. I want to be able to leave it and move on, but don't want to drop down dead in 3 years because I just left it.

Any thoughts would be great.


I think thats the biggest thing with HA sufferrers, that little bit of doubt that if we DO really have what it is we are concerned about, & we left it too long, then we've had it basically.
I dont have the same problem as you though. I am petrified of going to the doctors, I will bury my head in the sand, worry about it, then hope it goes away, which it does eventually, then I know it was nothing bad. I have this screwed up mentality that says, if ive got to the stage where I go to the docs, then it must be bad & its almost like admitting ive got something terminal, its real! If that makes sense.
I did go to see a psychologist years & years ago about HA, when I did spend too much time at the docs, so weather he turned me the opposite way I dont know lol
I did used to go to the doctors about once a week for one thing or another, & it didn't really help me. Until she sent me to the hospital. As soon as a concultant tells me I am ok, I am right as rain! Symptoms go almost immediately.
I would trust what they say, but I know its easy for me to say.
What blotches do you get? I have little red dots all over my body? The doc says its an age thing :blush: like little blood vessels. But they look almost like small red freckles right on the surface of the skin but flat?
Or aren't yours like that. Ive had those years x

07-12-09, 17:43
Hey guys.
Thanks for the comments and replies.

I know I need to try and get on with things, but I can't help but think something serious is going on.

Everything I read or hear, suggests liver problems, yet all my Dr's i've seen and tests I've had have been normal, so my mind is very confused!

They are petechaie, tiny pinprick dots, I don't have thousands, but I have probably about 40 on each arm, few on my feet, and a few on my legs. Most of them stay bright red, some turn brown which look like freckles. They are under the skin, very tiny and visible. I probably would ignore them, but I keep finding / seeing new ones all the time.


07-12-09, 20:17
Without a doubt blood tests show up liver problems. It is a fact. The reason you can't believe it is that your anxiety won't let you believe it. It's horrible when this happens because you torment yourself. It's like an obsession which is the result of a tired mind. It's not life threatening though and with time you will accept it. Just try and glimpse for a while each day that you are actually okay and you'll turn a corner eventually.

07-12-09, 21:54
Are you sure you don't have cherry angionomas and not petechea. I have load of these bright red raised or not raised spots mostly arms and upper trunk and as I get older I get more and more - they are NOT petechea but something completely harmless called cherry angionomas and occasionally they fall off!!

08-12-09, 00:22
Hi Chris,

As you know Ive got these petechaie too, but my liver results were absolutely normal as were my other routine blood tests. The doctor wanted to test me twice but both times no problems. There are sooo many reasons why petechiae occur - taking meds like aspirin, warfarin, cortisone and low vitamin C/K/B9/B12 levels, and sometimes no real reason at all. Im sure you know all the causes like the back of your hand so try to concentrate on the fact that its most likely one of the not serious ones. You've had the serious ones ruled out with the tests you've had. Im trying be good with taking vitamins because Im not always the best at eating a balanced diet, hoping it will calm it down. Do you think poor vitamin intake could be causing it?
