View Full Version : Solfeggio Frequency Meditation

07-12-09, 14:41
These meditative sounds are based on an ancient sound scale and are believed to have powerful healing effects. I find them extremely relaxing. Listen with headphones.

Solfeggio Harmonics - 639 HZ - Integrating Structures


Solfeggio Harmonics - 396 HZ - Liberation from Fear


09-12-09, 21:39
Melancholia I tried to listen to some of this yesterday but I'm finding any type of unusual sound very difficult to cope with at the moment.
In your opinion, is it worth persevering or wait until my brain is a bit more accepting?

10-12-09, 14:05
Stick with it Ladybird. I felt strange listening to it at first but you'll get used to it and you'll find it'll really help to relax you. Listen to the lower freq ones first (396hz and lower) and keep the volume low until you feel more comfortable. You'll find loads on YT. It'll be interesting to see if it helps you.

10-12-09, 14:35
Intuitive Sine; music & Solfeggio 741 Hz & binaural beats


The Solfeggio frequencies are from an ancient musical scale used in ancient music, chants and ceremonies. The Solfeggio tones were believed to enable spiritual blessings and transformation when played or sung in harmony.

Regardless of ones individual beliefs, as each note has a different tuning from the conventional musical scale, these tones provide a new stimulus to the mind and physical system. It's been recently accepted by scientists that by just providing the brain with new input alone has many benefits, in relation to brain plasticity (keeping the mind young healthy and active). As the mind becomes healthy the physical body responds and also reaps its own reward.

Solfeggio Hz Meditation is a modern adaptation of the ancient the Solfeggio scale, combined with Unison Therapys Alpha Theta and Delta brainwave entrainment (binaural beats). Solfeggio Hz Meditation can be played as ambient music or with stereo headphones, making it a powerful audio healing tool for relaxation, greater personal development and transformation.

BINAURAL BEATS are a scientifically proven brain entrainment process that slowly started to gain recognition after an article called, Auditory Beats in the Brain, by Dr Gerald Oster, was published in the October 1973 edition of Scientific America.

Binaural beats work by sending two different Hz frequencies to each ear via stereo headphones causing the left and right Brain hemispheres to work in unison to hear a phantom frequency or third tone, the centred Hz difference between the two tones. The Hz separations create a constant gentle beat and its timing and pulse match the Hz separation per second. The binaural beat process can be used to stimulate altered states of consciousness by selecting binaural beat patterns to match a desired brainwave. After a few minutes of listening and calculating, the brain starts to match this binaural beat, because of a process called frequency follow response. In reality, a binaural beat is not heard as true sound in the headphone environment, it is more like a neurological signal perceived within the brain by both brain hemispheres working in unison.

The neural synchrony stimulated by binaural beats is a major aspect that assists the brain to function at a higher level. The brain continually forms new connections following new experiences. The quality and strength of neuronal connections can vary according to the input received by the brain. Binaural beats in the Alpha, Theta and Delta range provide a continuous relaxed input and promote healthy rewiring through its audio neurological signal calculation. These new audio experiences in the brain trigger a burst of new connections between neurons, and with repetition these new neural pathways become fit, just like going to a gym, and it is the fittest connections in our brains that survive.

The binaural beat process is faster, easier and more than just meditation, and after several weeks the brain becomes more lateralised and starts to form permanent relaxed memories in both hemispheres.

The brain doesn't become dependent on binaural beats for relaxation. Over time, it actually becomes more resilient to stress and this process continues to develop further, when more binaural stimuli is received by the brain. Furthermore, as the synchronised hemispheres and neurons develop, greater personal awareness and insight follows. This combined with greater stress resilience makes binaural beat therapy a valuable tool in counselling and other therapeutic settings.

Binaural beats are also excellent for stimulating natural highs and developing higher states of consciousness to go beyond meditation.

10-12-09, 16:14
Thanks for the reply with all the information as well.

Tried doing a bit of listening but have had a constant stream of interruptions so will try again later when everyone is out from under my feet. Hopefully.

10-12-09, 19:31
Thank you so much for sharing these sounds :)

I did feel it was a bit weird at first but after a while it is very relaxing. I like it best with the headphones as well.

10-12-09, 21:13
Feedback :)

Well, I listened and then listened to some more, probably too many for a first session and had to choose just a couple which I have bookmarked.
It's quite strange actually, I have a bit of a headache which came on while I was listening but I also feel tired...tired in a calm way instead of that frantic nightmarish exhaustion that I have been going through recently.
Is it just as efficient listening to the sounds if I'm not watching the visual? Like I said, my brain can't handle too much at the moment!
Going to try and get some sleep now. :)

11-12-09, 00:14
I had the weird headache too! It was like a vibrating/buzzing in my forehead. I took some time to be able to listen to high freq ones. It really does do something to your brain. There's an amazing amount of power in these sounds - a really positive energy.

I don't really watch the visuals, although they're meant to be powerful too - sacred geometry/occult symbols etc - but I find it all a bit oeverwhelming so I generally concentrate on the sounds only. Hope it helps anyway!

12-12-09, 01:58
Is this the same as that alpha wave stuff? It makes me feel creepy. It reminds me of the alien signal from Mission to Mars. And it gives me a sick headache.

12-12-09, 18:35
No, it's not for the faint-hearted, I agree. But the weird feelings go after a while and are replaced by relaxation. Because we're conditioned to interpret certain sounds as scary or freaky, they can be disturbing both psychologically and physically at first, until the brain writes over those memories.

It's the art of hypnotherapy.

12-12-09, 19:06
I've been using the frequencies for a few months now, they are so lovely :-) xx

21-12-10, 20:18
I'm going to pluck up the courage to try this, combatting my "fear of sound" which seems to be the phobia of the moment for me. As soon as my hair has dried, I just washed it. Don't want to get electrocuted by my headphones...

21-12-10, 20:42
No, that wouldn't be a good start Pancho ;)

Start with the lower frequencies first.

Solfeggio Harmonics - 396 HZ - Liberation from Fear

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJUu-...eature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJUu-xiJPx8&feature=related) http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/nmp/misc/progress.gif

21-12-10, 20:42

Don't be too scared, you won't hypnotise yourself!

I was given a link to these by another member here (take a bow MM :D) and have found them really useful lately, when my mind has been racing and I have been depressed.

It takes some getting used to but definitely has helped me..maybe try this one to start with?


21-12-10, 20:43
No, that wouldn't be a good start Pancho ;)

Start with the lower frequencies first.

Solfeggio Harmonics - 396 HZ - Liberation from Fear

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJUu-...eature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJUu-xiJPx8&feature=related) http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/nmp/misc/progress.gif

Pffft :lac: Might have known he would beat me to it! :winks:
This is the MM to whom I was referring Pancho..always has to get his tuppence worth in :whistles:

22-12-10, 18:22
ha ha lol listening to some low frequencies now...

22-12-10, 18:30
...blimey I feel like I'm being lowered into some kind of abyss...or through time...very historical feeling.

Woah its just stopped but I can still hear it?!

23-12-10, 19:10
Electro therapy is not part of this but may help Pancho - just stick to 240v :shades:

Let us know how you get on.

23-12-10, 19:25
Umm...I did feel quite calm and happy. Still some sparks coming out of my ears and some singed hair but I guess thats part of the course I suppose.

Oh - and as for the music, I felt quite numb and normal (anxiety free) for a bit. It slowed my mind down a bit which felt nice and less racing thoughts. It felt nice and wasn't as scary as I thought it would be apart from the pictures of ginesh in the background of the higher freq one. I preferred the first one although that could have something to do with my attention span and also being electrocuted. Would be nice in the background during going to sleep or maybe revision or study. Thank you!

01-01-11, 22:34
Well glad it had some effect Pancho.

As for the sounds, it does take some getting used to and perseverance but hope it helps somewhat.

02-01-11, 00:07
Ooh, I like those :D



10-10-18, 23:51
I wanted to share my album Sunrise2Sunrise with you. It is an exploration of Solfeggio frequencies and the 5th stage of Grief.

Sunrise2Sunrise is a multidisciplinary exploration of the 5th stage of Grief that takes our audience through a magical realism journey of Acceptance, Exploration, Experimentation, New confidence, & Transformation.

You can listen to Sunrise2Sunrise Album Full Album on Spotify or YouTube.