View Full Version : hemorrhoids?

07-12-09, 14:57
The doctor reckons it is but I dont know. He gave me some creame and although the bleeding stopped for a week and I thought it was working this morning I am bleeding again probably worse than before after the toilet.

Its not dripping, Just on the tissue after each wipe, Not loads but enough to make me worry.

It is bright red and as far as I can see there is none on the stool itself.

I had some small pains yesterday and I have had stomache pains a few weeks back just before this all started. Could that mean anything?

I cant see the doctor until next Monday now due to such a busy week and I am at University and the doctor is only there 1 day a week.

I only drink water or Smoothies, I drink the odd beer once a month maybe. I eat on average 4/5 a day fruit and rarely eat sweets and unhealthy foods. What could be causing this?

Any advice or reassurence?


07-12-09, 15:15
Hi Adamant,

Sorry to be a bit blunt but are you constipated? My mother gets this and she is constipated a lot. You need to be sure you are drinking plenty of water and eating high fiber foods. I know you eat fruits and veggies each day, but try to incorporate beans, barley, oatmeal and one of the best for our intestinal tract are prunes. I am sure this is nothing to worry about. Even if you don't seem to be constipated this can happen to people. I would try to to consume some of these things and see if it helps. Take care

07-12-09, 15:20
I meant to also say that I am not talking about prune juice, but actual dried prunes. Sorry but some people think prune juice is the best but to get the best fiber eat the actual prunes. Hope you feel better soon

07-12-09, 16:34
Thanks will deff try prunes. Will buy some tomorrow.

I wouldnt say I am constipated.

I forgot to mention it does hurt a little and it does feels like there is something there which is causing the pain. It hurts more when I clench. Could this be Hemorrhoids?

07-12-09, 16:38
Hi adamant, I have them too not pleasent. I too have some cream for up there down below.
It is normal to get some fresh red blood on the tissue or with your stools varies person to person.
Main things are to try aviod getting constipated and don't strain yourself.
If the heamorrhoids gets too much for you, you can ask your GP about getting them banded.

07-12-09, 16:43
This sounds exactly like Hemorrhoids and just like Mya said the best way to avoid them getting any worse is to eat a diet high in fibre and avoid constapation.

07-12-09, 17:24
Are you having pains in your belly or is it in your behind? If you are having some belly pain it is most likely some blockage or constipation. If you are having pains in your behind it could be hemorrhoids/broken blood vessel from straining at different times. I promise you if they are hemorrhoids they are not serious and can usually be treated with a change of diet. I have never experienced them, but my father is a doctor and many people complain about them and are very common. Make sure you do not google your symptoms or it will just make you more anxious and give you many different ailments! Don't worry, sweetie, just try some of the things the people have said and see if you have some improvement. Take care


08-12-09, 01:25
Right... Drink of plenty of water,eat an abundance of foods from plant-based sources and limit saturated fat.

For more info:
Colon Health, Colon Cleansers (http://colonnews.com/colon-cleansers/all-you-need-know-about-hemorhoids-and-its-treatment.html)