View Full Version : I was doing so well...

07-12-09, 17:30
Hi there,

It's been a while since I was on here last...I'd been doing so well, I didn't feel I needed to talk about stuff with you lovely people. But then, over the weekend...BAM, it's all come back again. On Friday I was feeing down cos I was having problems with (sorry) piles...and the earliest I can see my doctor is a week away (am going to try and get an earlier one later). This is a recurring problem for me. Then over the weekend my foot's gone weird again...my HA always seems to involve my right foot. It constantly feels like it's cold...not freezing to touch, but definitely cold considering I'm wearing thermal socks and boot-style slippers. Stupidly I googled it and MS came up...my biggest HA fixation.

I saw a neurologist last week who wasn't overly concerned but is sending me an MRI for 'reassurance' (not til 4th Jan).

Am really panicking again though...can't figure out a reason for this and don't want to go to my GP with another 'problem' cos he must be thinking 'oh goodness...what now?'...:weep:

07-12-09, 17:38
Hi There,

Sounds like me - things were going well there for a few weeks, and then another twitch and wham, I feel I am back to square one. Visited my gp, who tried to reassure me but I have been going over and over things in my head again. Think I need some serious distraction like excercise, massage or yoga. I have seen a neurologist who told me everything is fine, so now I have to learn to live with my worrying head.

One thing that is so reassuring is that there are so many of us health anxiety suffers -until I found this site I thought I was the only one. Scarey how logic doesn't really help though...

Good luck - you are not alone. And I'm sure there is nothing seriously wrong with you.


07-12-09, 18:01
I am just the same!
I was doing ok for a while and suddenly it flared up again and the last month has been very bad.
Hope we all improve soon!

07-12-09, 22:03
I found when I was referred for tests it made my symptoms come back a lot. The waiting around adds to the pressure and the wondering which will add to your HA. My worry is MS to, everything you Google in terms of HA symptoms always brings it back. I just look on here now and always find my symptoms which makes me feel a lot better. Best of luck

08-12-09, 16:12
Hi there,

It's been a while since I was on here last...I'd been doing so well, I didn't feel I needed to talk about stuff with you lovely people. But then, over the weekend...BAM, it's all come back again. On Friday I was feeing down cos I was having problems with (sorry) piles...and the earliest I can see my doctor is a week away (am going to try and get an earlier one later). This is a recurring problem for me. Then over the weekend my foot's gone weird again...my HA always seems to involve my right foot. It constantly feels like it's cold...not freezing to touch, but definitely cold considering I'm wearing thermal socks and boot-style slippers. Stupidly I googled it and MS came up...my biggest HA fixation.

I saw a neurologist last week who wasn't overly concerned but is sending me an MRI for 'reassurance' (not til 4th Jan).

Am really panicking again though...can't figure out a reason for this and don't want to go to my GP with another 'problem' cos he must be thinking 'oh goodness...what now?'...:weep:

I got my blood tests back which were all good and have a good week and was feeling really positive but yesterday for some reason BAM, i started getting anxious again.
It's annoying, frustrating and scarey all at the same time but we all seem to have similar symptoms so we are not alone.
Our worrying brains caused this so the same brains have to cure us, unfortunately I don't yet know how but reading posts like this certainly help relax me and put my mind at ease
Take Care

Cell block H fan
08-12-09, 16:58
Hi there,

It's been a while since I was on here last...I'd been doing so well, I didn't feel I needed to talk about stuff with you lovely people. But then, over the weekend...BAM, it's all come back again. On Friday I was feeing down cos I was having problems with (sorry) piles...and the earliest I can see my doctor is a week away (am going to try and get an earlier one later). This is a recurring problem for me. Then over the weekend my foot's gone weird again...my HA always seems to involve my right foot. It constantly feels like it's cold...not freezing to touch, but definitely cold considering I'm wearing thermal socks and boot-style slippers. Stupidly I googled it and MS came up...my biggest HA fixation.

I saw a neurologist last week who wasn't overly concerned but is sending me an MRI for 'reassurance' (not til 4th Jan).

Am really panicking again though...can't figure out a reason for this and don't want to go to my GP with another 'problem' cos he must be thinking 'oh goodness...what now?'...:weep:

I bet he isn't. He's more likely to be bothered about people that dont go to him until its too late & they have got themselves in such a state about something that he/she could of sorted sooner. That must be more frustrating for them really.
But if the Neuro...sorry cant spell it you know what I mean lol, says they think you're ok, you can bet ya bottom dollar you are.
You've done well managing the HA for a while by the sounds of it.
Pretty soon you will be fine again.
Piles is enough to get anyone down! Unfortunately I think anything can trigger off HA. The piles has probably reminded your mind about health issues again, kinda thing.
Dont stop coming on here completely though, I'm not worrying about anything in particular at the moment, but still like to come on here, mainly because it might help others xxxx

p.s, my mum had to see 3 different consultants last month, for 3 different things. One was a white patch on her tongue that doesn't go away. Even with meds. If she had goggled that symptom, we all know what it would of said she had. The consultant said its an allergy to her dentures! She doesn't use the pc so doesn't google lol